Chapter 4: Speed Zone Approval

Anchor: #i999327

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i1002587


Speed zones on the state highway system, including turnpikes under TxDOT’s authority, may be set by Transportation Commission minute order or by the city, depending on the circumstance (as shown in the following table).

Anchor: #i999160Authority to Set Speed Zones on State Highway System (including on turnpikes under TxDOT’s authority)

If the speed zone is...

Then it is established by...

outside a city

Transportation Commission minute order

inside a city

city ordinance or resolution or Transportation Commission minute order

This chapter covers the speed zone approval process for each of these circumstances.

Anchor: #i999346

Regional Mobility Authorities and Regional Tollway Authorities

This chapter does not cover the speed zone approval process for turnpikes under the control of a regional mobility authority (RMA) or regional tollway authority (RTA). An RMA is an authority created under Transportation Code, Chapters 361 or 370, at the request of one or more counties and authorized by the Transportation Commission for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and operating transportation projects. An RTA is an authority created under Transportation Code, Chapter 366, consisting of two or more counties for the purpose of acquisition, design, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of a turnpike project or system.

Speed zone approval for roadways under the control of RMAs or RTAs are set according to the conditions outlined in the following two tables.

Anchor: #i999179Authority to Set Speed Zones on Turnpikes under Control of an RMA

If the speed zone is...

Then it is established by...

outside a city

RMA order

inside a city

city ordinance or RMA order

Anchor: #i1001868Authority to Set Speed Zones on Turnpikes under Control of an RTA

If the speed zone is...

Then it is established by...

outside a city

RTA order

inside a city

city ordinance or RTA order

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