Anchor: #i1004363

Section 4: C&M Agreements

Anchor: #i1004368

Drafting the C&M Agreement

RRD drafts the C&M Agreement for projects constructed by TxDOT. The following is required prior to a C&M Agreement submittal by RRD to the railroad company:

Anchor: #i1004408

Types of C&M Agreements

    Anchor: #TQWRHNKW
  • Overpass: New, replaced or modified with no railroad company cost participation.
  • Anchor: #SFRSBOBR
  • Overpass with 5% railroad company cost participation: Used when a new overpass removes an existing active at-grade crossing and federal funding is used on the project.
  • Anchor: #JUVROEQS
  • Underpass: New, replaced, modified, or converted.
  • Anchor: #OAAMABBE
  • Force Account: Signal or track work on projects involving roadway widening, new at-grade crossings, planking, etc.
  • Anchor: #SCOLKWJT
  • Preemption: Traffic signal preemption.
  • Anchor: #LNEVNIHF
  • Joint Usage: Highway projects that encroach on or run parallel to the railroad right of way.
  • Anchor: #XOYVMGSL
  • Wireline License Agreement: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) conduits crossing railroad right of way. Note: ITS lines can be included in grade separation C&M Agreements.
  • Anchor: #RQHXLQLF
  • Pipeline Agreement: Storm water pipelines crossing railroad right of way under the track. Note: parallel pipelines can be included in at grade crossing agreement.
  • Anchor: #XTQAERRO
  • Permitted Railroad Crossing: TxDOT projects where the railroad company has crossed TxDOT right of way by permit. For more information see Chapter 6, Railroad Capital Improvement Projects.
  • Anchor: #UQLRDDJX
  • Crossing Closure: Closing the approaches and existing at-grade crossing.
Anchor: #i1004463

C&M Agreement Content

    Anchor: #GDTQIRKC
  • Description of work and responsibilities on the project by all parties signing the agreement.
  • Anchor: #FHGRKQMV
  • Statement of license the railroad company provides to TxDOT and/or the local government for use of railroad property.
  • Anchor: #CUONVWPR
  • Statement of any fees TxDOT or other party will pay to railroad company.
  • Anchor: #LHFDVFPF
  • Maintenance responsibilities for all parties in the agreement, both during and upon completion of project.
  • Anchor: #AUPCXLEO
  • Statement that TxDOT and/or the local government to require contractors to provide railroad insurance and Right of Entry Agreement with railroad company prior to working on railroad right of way.
  • Anchor: #GTNKSTJC
  • Payment article that requires the railroad company to obtain an Authority to Order Materials memo from TxDOT or the local government before ordering materials. A Work Order from TxDOT or the local government is required before beginning work.
  • Anchor: #JTEQAVDI
  • Termination article that allows any signatory party to cancel the agreement.
  • Anchor: #FSGYEWKT
  • Fiber optic article to clarify TxDOT contractor will contact railroad company for locating fiber optic cable prior to construction.
  • Anchor: #EIVEVDJQ
  • Mandatory contract articles.
  • Anchor: #VNQIKUEL
  • Signature blocks for all signatory parties. Supplemental documents previously obtained for the project design phase. See page 2-11 of this chapter.
Anchor: #i1004583

Easements versus License Agreements

Standard TxDOT practice is to pursue license agreements on construction projects impacting the railroad right of way. TxDOT does not pursue easements on railroad right of way, and RRD works with the Right of Way Division to negotiate any terms and fees related to license agreements with railroad companies.

Commercial sign relocation or removal is handled by the Right of Way Division as are any related fees.

Anchor: #i1004593

Agreement Execution

Railroad company review of the C&M Agreement includes:

After all non-TxDOT required parties have signed the C&M Agreement, RRD will then sign. The agreement is now considered fully executed. RRD will send a copy of the agreement to all signatory parties and the district railroad coordinator.

Anchor: #i1004663

C&M Agreement Submittal to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

On projects involving federal oversight, TxDOT is required to submit a copy of the fully executed C&M Agreement to FHWA. FHWA will review and approve the C&M Agreement by signing the title sheet on a copy of the C&M Agreement.

RRD provides a copy of the C&M Agreement to the Design Division (DES) who coordinates FHWA review and approval.

Anchor: #i1004678

Agreement Amendments

If an agreement needs to be modified after the C&M Agreement has been fully executed, RRD will draft an amendment. An amendment is required when:

    Anchor: #MWBURRRM
  • Scope of work for the project has changed.
  • Anchor: #FNVKODJL
  • Actual costs exceed estimated cost by more than 15%.
  • Anchor: #TPHTUSRM
  • A new required article is needed in the C&M Agreement as determined by the TxDOT Contract Services Division (CSD).
  • Anchor: #OCHTFNLN
  • A mistake is identified in the C&M Agreement or any attachments.

RRD will coordinate signatures from all parties.

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