Chapter 5: Replanking Projects

Anchor: #i1000442

Section 1: Program Overview

Anchor: #i1000447


The replanking program, a state designated program, is used to provide dedicated state highway funds for replacing at-grade crossing surfaces located on the state highway system. This is codified in 43 TAC §7.106. RRD manages the program.

Anchor: #i1000457

Program Authorization and Funding

The replanking program is managed under Category 10 (Supplemental Transportation Projects) of the UTP as a bank balance allocation program. Each year, the Texas Transportation Commission authorizes the total amount of funding and the method of project selection. This provides flexibility within each program year to cancel and add projects to the program without commission action. It is funded with 100% state funds, excluding any cost participation from railroad companies. Funding for the program is typically around $3.5 million annually.

Program funds are not typically used for the following and must be funded out of the district's maintenance budget, except that starting with the 2022 program, replanking program funds can be used for railroad provided traffic control and asphalt work.

Program funds are not typically used for:

If the railroad is to perform the asphalt and/or traffic control and be reimbursed by the replanking program, the district should still provide the Traffic Control Plans as part of the Replank Scope of Work.

Use of non-standard crossing surface such as StarTrak may instead be funded under the Section 130 program.

Anchor: #i1000517

Ineligible Crossings

The following types of at-grade crossings are ineligible for the Replanking Program:

    Anchor: #UUIRRCYX
  • Private crossings.
  • Anchor: #PFSUSFGP
  • Closed, out of service, or abandoned crossings unless agreed to by RRD.
  • Anchor: #OFIIYILR
  • Off system crossings (roadway owned by county, city, or other local government not TxDOT).
  • Anchor: #RDPYFUPM
  • Locations where the railroad crossed TxDOT right of way via a crossing permit or other agreement.

Also, any crossing locations identified for replanking which may have an existing construction project should be funded and constructed under the construction project.

An at-grade crossing may use funding from both the Section 130 and replanking programs to fund safety and surface upgrades if the crossing qualifies under the prioritization scheme of both programs.

Anchor: #i1000557

Replanking Project Agreement Flow Chart

The flow chart on the following page depicts the process for obtaining a project agreement on a replanking project.

NOTE: Not all steps are applicable to every replanking project. Project steps and time frames will vary depending on the project scope.

Replanking Project Flow Chart. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #AOAJHLGSgrtop

Figure 5-1. Replanking Project Flow Chart.

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