Anchor: #i1000022

Section 3: Common Design Issues

Anchor: #i1000027

Project Work Within TxDOT Right of Way

Some railroad capital improvement projects may include work on TxDOT right of way. Typical work would include:

    Anchor: #DFQRMFGU
  • Installing railroad warning devices and crossing surface panels for a new track, installing additional trackage, or updating existing signal equipment.
  • Anchor: #SWTUNVUX
  • Installing an underpass bridge for a permitted track.
  • Anchor: #SPSKMYYR
  • Installing crash walls on TxDOT right of way to support a second track on railroad right of way.
  • Anchor: #EYGQEWGS
  • Retaining walls and guardrail.
  • Anchor: #ARKLHDWY
  • Grading and drainage features.
  • Anchor: #CBXDCNAT
  • New maintenance access to railroad right of way.

Installation of warning devices and crossing surface panels will be carried done the railroad company. For all other work, the district may choose to allow the railroad company (or railroad contractor) to perform the work provided:

Anchor: #i1000087

Proposed Grade Separated Crossings

TxDOT may allow a grade-separated crossing if the private industry or railroad company desiring the crossing agrees to finance and construct it. The district, in conjunction with the Design Division (DES) and the Rail Division (RRD), determines the need for a grade separation based on the following factors:

Anchor: #i1000122

Proposed At-Grade Crossings

Upon receiving a request for a crossing across state right of way, the district first investigates the possibility of the applicant (railroad company or private industry or both) obtaining rail service by alternate means that will not require an additional highway crossing. This usually means servicing through a different railroad company or through joint use of a nearby existing permitted track crossing or rail line. If an alternate plan is impracticable, the district should forward the permitted track request to RRD, along with a report and recommendations. The report should include:

    Anchor: #EBMQSJUW
  • A map showing the location of the proposed permitted track crossing.
  • Anchor: #MDAJRPOT
  • AADT at this location.
  • Anchor: #RULVOLVS
  • Applicant’s estimate of the number and length of trains anticipated to cross the highway during each 24-hour period.
Anchor: #i1000147

Dismantling or Modifying Active Warning Devices

If the railroad company decides to remove an existing active warning device, TxDOT may seek reimbursement for salvage value if the device was paid for with public funds and is less than 10 years old.

The railroad may also modify existing active warning devices subject to concurrence from RRD. Upon receipt of a request by the railroad company, RRD will review the proposal by consulting with the district and with the rail safety section. RRD will then provide concurrence in the form of an email or a signed letter with a copy uploaded to the TRIMS database.

Anchor: #i1000157

Out of Service versus Abandoned Tracks

After a railroad company determines an in-service track is no longer needed, the company may choose to either place the track out of service or to abandon the track entirely. If the track is placed out of service, the railroad company should notify RRD. The following should occur until the track is placed back in service:

    Anchor: #QYUNYCEE
  • A ‘Tracks Out of Service’ sign is placed in lieu of crossbuck signs.
  • Anchor: #GVHKOAHX
  • Gate arms and traffic control devices such as warning signs and pavement markings from the crossing are removed.
  • Anchor: #SMHIOSOI
  • Railroad signals are either removed, hooded, or turned from view to indicate they are not in operation.
  • Anchor: #JMUUMOKX
  • Railroad company contacts the FRA to have crossing inventory updated.
  • Anchor: #EHFEBPSS
  • RRD updates TRIMS crossing inventory.

The railroad company will remain responsible for maintaining the crossing surface, including the rail and ties. If the track will remain out of service for a long period, or if the railroad ties and/or crossing surface are starting to fail, TxDOT may contact the railroad company to remove the crossing surface, rail and ties, or obtain railroad permission to allow TxDOT to remove same.

If the track is formally abandoned by the railroad company, the track is typically first removed by the railroad company as well as all at-grade crossing signs and signals. Once a track is abandoned, maintenance of the crossing falls on the roadway authority. The roadway authority may contact the railroad company to purchase the underlying property.

Salvaging of the rail and/or ties is generally only allowed by the railroad company or their approved contractor. A letter may be needed from RRD if the state or their contractor will salvage the rail.

Anchor: #i1004826

Work Impacting State Roads Licensed in Railroad Right of Way

The railroad may at their cost expand or modify their facilities on their right of way where TxDOT roads cross the railroad right of way by license.

The railroad shall provide plans, and, upon written approval by the district, RRD shall issue a letter of approval to the railroad for the work.

The railroad work may be wholly on railroad right of way or have a portion on state right of way. Any railroad work on state right of way will need a Crossing Permit or other suitable agreement as specified in Section 4 of this chapter.

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