Anchor: #i1007283

Section 4: Crossing Closure Projects

Anchor: #i1002281


When TxDOT, the local government and the railroad company collectively agree to consolidate and close crossings, TxDOT makes funding available to local governments for the following related improvements:

No funding is provided to the railroad company, as the crossing closure is considered a benefit to them. A signed agreement between TxDOT, the railroad company, and the local government will be executed before the work is authorized.

Section 130 program can match the railroad contribution up to $100,000 from TxDOT to the local government per individual public road closure. The local government must use the Section 130 funds from TxDOT only for roadway, safety and operational improvements associated with the crossing closure within the vicinity of the closed crossing, as approved in advance by TxDOT. The railroad company contribution may add incentive dollars, which can be used at the local government's discretion. The railroad contribution may include in-kind service such as removal of the crossing surface and warning devices.

For locations that are part of the Section 130 preliminary project list, and a crossing closure project is subsequently denied by a local government, RRD may follow a new path to include various safety upgrades. RRD reserves the right to cancel a closure project after a predetermined time, typically one year from the date of the closure Proposal Letter (defined below).

Anchor: #i1002366

Contracting (Section 130 or Basic Closure Program)

The work activities associated with the closure of the crossing may be performed by:

In the event the local government determines that the work will be performed using private contractors, the local government must solicit for a minimum of three bids and have one person working directly on the project complete the Local Government Project Procedures for the Texas Department of Transportation training course. If three bids cannot be obtained, the local government should notify TxDOT to explain the circumstances surrounding the bid solicitation. The local government must award the work to the lowest responsive qualified bidder.

Anchor: #i1002396

Closure Approval

The following steps must take place for a crossing closure project to proceed:

    Anchor: #WXDDHSIM
  1. Once the proposal is developed, a Proposal Letter is sent to the local government from RRD or the railroad company to clarify the intention of removing the crossing and anticipated adjacent roadway improvements associated with the project.
  2. Anchor: #UELTJLHB
  3. RRD, the district, and the railroad company should attend and participate in all public meetings.
  4. Anchor: #WURWDVLK
  5. The local government submits a signed ordinance/resolution to RRD stating the crossings to be closed.
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