Chapter 2: Construction Project Development

Anchor: #i1002983

Section 1: Construction & Maintenance Agreement Timelines

Anchor: #i1002989

Preliminary Design to Agreement Execution

When planning construction projects which impact railroad right of way, the following chart gives approximate timelines needed for rail coordination from preliminary design meeting to execution of a C&M Agreement.

Anchor: #i1002832C&M Agreement Timelines

Project Type

Lead Time (Months)

Conduits Under or Over Track


Common Ditch, Pipeline or Joint Usage (Encroachments on Railroad Right of Way)


Overpasses (New or Modified)


At-Grade Roadway Reconstruction or Widening


Traffic Signal Preemption


Projects Involving Track Construction or Relocation


New At-Grade Crossings


Underpasses (New or Modified)


Maintenance Notification Letter


The Maintenance Notification Letter represents routine maintenance projects or projects with minimal impact on railroad right of way. These projects are covered in Chapter 3.

Anchor: #i1003003

C&M Agreement Flow Chart

The flow chart on the following page depicts the process for obtaining a C&M Agreement with a railroad company on a construction project.

NOTE: Not all steps are applicable to every construction projects. Project steps and time frames will vary depending on the scope of the project.

C&M Agreement Flow Chart (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #ILRKWDJQgrtop

Figure 2-1. C&M Agreement Flow Chart

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