Anchor: #i1002766

Section 2: Level of Service

Anchor: #i1002771

Purpose and Goal

The level of service for maintenance will serve as a guide for consistency in planning, performing and evaluating the various maintenance activities with the funds available.

The primary goal of the department's maintenance efforts is to provide the best level of service possible with the funds available for the entire highway system.

Anchor: #i1002786

Why Guidelines are Needed

Maintenance levels of service are needed to:

    Anchor: #MTUDWSMB
  • effectively communicate maintenance planning and maintenance performance expectations
  • Anchor: #SEOXOQND
  • aid in the evaluation of maintenance performance.
Anchor: #i1002806


It is important to understand the following terms when considering level of service guidelines:

    Anchor: #VXINQLRJ
  • highway component—An identifiable or measurable aspect of the state highway system including (for the purposes of these guidelines) specific pavement conditions.
  • Anchor: #JLCHXCJD
  • level of service—The condition at which a component of the state highway system should be maintained under a given level of funding.
  • Anchor: #KPRVFDIS
  • level of funding—The level of legislative appropriations required to substantially maintain the state highway system at a specific level of service, as established through the budgeting process. The three levels of funding are:
  • Anchor: #WMYRUCDU
  • substantially maintained level of service—The level of service met or exceeded by 75 percent of a given highway component.
Anchor: #i1002851

Using the Guidelines

Each highway component should be substantially maintained at the level of service designated for the current level of funding.

Anchor: #i1002861

Maintenance Priorities

Maintenance priorities are set based on a logical progression of importance. The maintenance priorities for all highway components are as follows:

Anchor: #i1001522Maintenance Priorities




Safety—Provide for the safety of the traveling public.


Protection of the investment—Protect the investment of public dollars in the state highway system, its right of way and all its facilities.


User comfort—Provide for the comfort of the traveling public.


Aesthetics—Provide for the beauty and the attractiveness of the roadway and facilities.

The tables that follow list the levels of service for the major areas of maintenance.

Anchor: #i1002875

Pavement Maintenance

The table below lists levels of service for pavement maintenance.

Anchor: #i1001541Pavement Maintenance


Desirable Level

Acceptable Level

Tolerable Level

Longitudinal Rutting

Maintain as follows:

Maintain as follows:

Maintain as follows:

0 - 500 ADT

< ½ & 50% per WP

< 1" & 50% per WP

< 3" & 25% per WP

501 - 10,000 ADT

< ½ & 50% WP

< 1" & 50% WP

< 3" & 25% per WP

10,001 & up ADT

< ½ & 25% per WP

< 1" & 25% per WP

< 1" & 50% per WP

Alligator Cracking

for all ADTs

Maintain with no visible cracks

Maintain with visible cracks , £ 10% per WP

Maintain with visible cracks £ 50% per WP.

Ride Quality

Maintain as follows:

Maintain as follows:

Maintain as follows:

0 - 500 ADT

> 2.5 SI

> 2.0 SI

> 1.5 SI

501 - 10,000 ADT

> 3.0 SI

> 2.5 SI

> 2.0 SI

10,001 & up ADT

> 3.5 SI

> 3.0 SI

> 2.5 SI

Abbreviations: Wheel path (WP), serviceability index (SI), average daily traffic (ADT)

Anchor: #i1002884

Roadside Maintenance

The table below lists levels of service for roadside maintenance.

Anchor: #i1001600Roadside Maintenance


Desirable Level

Acceptable Level

Tolerable Level


Maintain in accordance with Vegetation Management Manual as follows:

Maintain in accordance with Vegetation Management Manual as follows:

Maintain in accordance with Vegetation Management Manual as follows:

0 - 3,000 ADT

Level 4

Level 4

Level 4

3001 – 10,000 ADT

Level 3

Level 4

Level 4

10,001 & Up ADT

Level 2

Level 2

Level 3

Developed Urban

Level 1

Level 1

Level 1

Litter Control

Maintain as follows:

Maintain as follows:

Maintain as follows:

0 – 3000 ADT

Spot pick-up

spot pick-up

Spot pick-up

3001 – 10,000 ADT

<5 CF/AC

<6 CF/AC

<8 CF/AC

10,001 & Up ADT

<4 CF/AC

<5 CF/AC

< 6 CF/AC

Pavement edges

Maintain < 2" drop off.

Maintain < 3" drop off.

Maintain <3" drop off.


Maintain function with minimum blockage, ponding, or erosion.

Maintain function with some blockage, ponding, or erosion with no damage to highway or private property.

Same as Acceptable level.

Rest Areas

0-200 RA-ADT:

8 hrs/day

201-800 RA-ADT:

16 hrs/day

801 & up RA-ADT:

24 hrs/day

0-400 RA-ADT:

8 hrs/day

401-1000 RA-ADT:

16 hrs/day

1001 & up RA-ADT:

24 hrs/day

0-400 RA-ADT:

8 hrs/day

401-1000 RA-ADT:

16 hrs/day

1001 & up RA-ADT:

24 hrs/day

Picnic Areas

Provide for the safety, comfort, and convenience of the traveling public; clean, inviting appearance

Provide for the safety, comfort, and convenience of the traveling public; Occasional litter, with trash receptacles near capacity; few noticeable appearance defects and minor graffiti.

Provide for the safety, comfort, and convenience of the traveling public; Occasional litter, with trash receptacles near capacity; few noticeable appearance defects and minor graffiti.

Abbreviations: Cubic feet per acre (CF/AC), rest areas (RA), average daily traffic (ADT), vehicles per day visiting rest area (RA-ADT)

Anchor: #i1002893


The table below lists levels of service for operations.

Anchor: #i1001679Operations


Desirable Level

Acceptable Level

Tolerable Level

Safety Appurtenances

Includes guardrail, crash attenuators, concrete median barriers, driveway culvert safety end treatment, etc.

Maintain all safety appurtenances to original design standards; all hardware functional; no noticeable appearance defects.

Maintain all safety appurtenances to original design standards; all hardware functional; few noticeable appearance defects.

Maintain all safety appurtenances to original design standards; all hardware functional; readily noticeable appearance defects.


90% of luminaries operating in each system; hardware functional and neat in appearance; no rust on poles or anchor bolts; no broken transformer bases; no covers missing.

80% of luminaries operating in each system; hardware functional and neat in appearance with few noticeable defects; no rust on poles or anchor bolts; no broken transformer bases; no covers missing.

70% of luminaries operating in each system; hardware functional and neat in appearance with readily noticeable defects; some rust on poles; no rust on anchor bolts; no broken transformer bases; no covers missing.

Traffic Signals

Maintain signal heads in proper alignment; no burned out bulbs; hardware functional and neat in appearance; no rust on poles; efficient timing; no unnecessary vehicle delay.

Maintain signal heads in proper alignment; no burned out bulbs; hardware functional with few noticeable appearance defects; no rust on poles; minimal unnecessary vehicle delay.

Maintain signal heads in proper alignment; no burned out bulbs; hardware functional with few noticeable appearance defects; no rust on poles; minimal unnecessary vehicle delay.

Signs, Mailbox Supports and Delineators

Maintain all signs to original color; excellent night visibility; none damaged or missing; posts straight and rust-free; all sign lights operational. Signs and mailboxes are on approved breakaway posts.

Maintain all signs to original color, all visible at night; posts straight with few noticeable appearance defects; most sign lights operational. Signs and mailboxes are on approved breakaway posts.

Maintain regulatory and warning signs to original color, all visible at night but from reduced distance; readily noticeable defects.

Pavement Markings

Maintain all markings to be functional day and night with no noticeable defects, or change in reflective pavement marking patterns due to missing markers.

Maintain all markings to be functional day and night; painted markings rarely show wear; no noticeable change in reflective pavement marking patterns due to missing markers.

Maintain all markings to be functional day and night; painted markings readily show wear; reflective markers still functional with pattern still apparent.

Anchor: #i1002902

Bridge Maintenance

The table below lists levels of service for bridge maintenance.

Anchor: #i1001713Bridge Maintenance


Desirable Level


Tolerable Level


Item & Item Number:

Maintain the following BRINSAP inspection record condition ratings:

Maintain the following BRINSAP inspection record condition ratings:

Maintain the following BRINSAP inspection record condition ratings:

Channel, Culverts, Approaches




Deck, Superstructure, Substructure




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