Section 7: 3R Project Documentation
Anchor: #i1636079Project-Specific Design Information
The Project-Specific Design Information has been developed to assist in the project evaluation and provide one possible outline for file documentation.
For individual project evaluation, consider:
- Anchor: #CJGGKSGI
- Has an on-site evaluation of the project been conducted (date, time, personnel)? Anchor: #NHTHKOSD
- What is the highway type (low volume two-lane, urban street, etc.)? Anchor: #IYXNIMRQ
- What design guidelines given in this chapter are applicable to this project? Anchor: #JHPFDQDI
- What are the design values on the existing roadway? Anchor: #LGQEVGQM
- What are the expected design values of the roadway after project completion? Which design elements require individual evaluation prior to final design? Anchor: #ICIUDMIR
- What is the ADT and character (truck %, recreational use, local traffic, etc.) of the traffic using the roadway? Anchor: #JWDPNBDV
- What is the crash history (minimum 3 years including type, severity, conditions, etc.) of the entire project and at any specific locations that require the individual evaluation of design elements? Anchor: #JYGOTNYI
- What is the compatibility of the proposed design with adjacent sections of the roadway?
For specific design elements that require individual evaluation prior to final project design, consider:
- Anchor: #JYIUPXTH
- What length and percentage of the project are affected by the design elements in question? Anchor: #PHTFVHYH
- What is the comparative cost of the given design guideline versus the proposed design element in terms of construction, right-of-way availability, project delay, environmental impacts, etc.? Anchor: #YTGAVDQG
- What is the long-term effect of using the design element selected in terms of capacity and level of service?
If other design elements required individual evaluation, what is believed to be the cumulative effect of these design elements on the safety and operation of the proposed facility?
Anchor: #i1636505Plan Set Requirements
The following, at a minimum, should be included with all 3R PS&E submissions:
- Anchor: #DVFWPKLP
- Design speed for the project (same as shown on page 3 of form 1002) Anchor: #TUFOIECD
- Existing and proposed typical sections showing lane and shoulder widths, obstruction clearances, and bridge widths Anchor: #LTJRDIKM
- Existing and proposed information on bridge rails and the structural capacity of all structures Anchor: #DSYJFNYR
- Plan and profile sheets detailing the proposed horizontal alignment, superelevation, and vertical alignment if the existing grade or horizontal alignment are changed at specific locations. If the scope of work is only overlaying, widening shoulders, or other simpler types of work, where the existing grade line is basically being followed, Anchor: #FRBBSWQI
- Summary sheet (tabular presentation) showing horizontal curve data and vertical cure data from previous plans may be used. The plans could also be a combination of proposed realignment plan & profile sheets at specific locations and a summary sheet of existing geometry for the remainder of the project. Anchor: #UNBTULSU
- Existing and proposed information on safety appurtenances (such as guard fence and safety end treatments)
The summary sheet indicated above should be signed and sealed by the responsible engineer with a note documenting that the appropriate engineering analysis was accomplished. The note will vary depending on the analysis completed. The following is an example of a note that might be used:
"Existing bridge rails are <type of rail> constructed in <year> and structures meet HS <rating> loading. This project meets the basic safety requirements of the 3R design criteria. Guard fence (including connection to structures, post spacing and end treatments), signing, and pavement markings meet current standards. Cross drainage culverts, parallel culverts, mailbox supports, luminaire supports, and sign supports within the required clear zone of <distance> feet have been safety treated or are being upgraded to standards."