Section 6: Five Year Count Program

Anchor: #i1104991


The five year count program (previously called urban saturation count program) consists of making ACR traffic counts throughout the 26 urbanized areas within Texas. TPP uses count data from this program for validation of the area travel demand model. TPP makes HPMS off-system counts as part of this program.

Anchor: #i1105002

Five Year Count Data Collection

The MPOs, in cooperation with the local TxDOT district office and TPP, identify locations for counts to be made. The number of counts made in the urban areas varies from a high of 30,000 to a low of near 2,000. Thus, the number of counts taken annually in urban areas fluctuates between 10,000 and 30,000. Contractors make the counts using accumulative count recorders, Monday through Thursday, for 24 hours each day at each location.

Anchor: #i1105012

Five Year Count Data Analysis

Analysis of five year count data is the same as that performed for ACR counts. Vehicle classification at locations is either counted or estimated, and TPP uses this information to determine the axle-to-vehicle ratio for each axle count. TPP converts the count volumes recorded into total number of vehicles using these ratios.

Anchor: #i1105022

Five Year Count Data Reporting

TxDOT publishes the counts made in each urban area on a map and makes these available to the public through map sales at the TxDOT district or TPP division.

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