Section 6: Travel Demand Forecasting Organization

Anchor: #i1013640

Responsible Organizations

There are 26 designated urban areas in Texas, four of which are classified as non-attainment areas under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. TxDOT performs travel demand modeling for all urban areas except Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston under a cooperative arrangement with the MPOs. The Texas Travel Demand Package is used in all areas modeled by TxDOT. The Dallas-Fort Worth Travel Model, which is maintained by the North Central Texas Council of Governments in cooperation with TxDOT, is used for travel demand modeling in the Dallas-Fort Worth urban area. The Houston-Galveston Area Council performs the Houston area modeling using the Texas Package.

Under a cooperative arrangement TxDOT develops and maintains the travel demand models, conducts travel surveys, and performs five-year traffic counts in the urban areas it models. MPOs provide the network, socioeconomic, and special generator data for the designated base year and forecast year.

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