Section 4: Travel Demand Model Output

Anchor: #i1013353


TPP develops information in the travel demand modeling process to provide data useful in developing regional transportation plans and programs. TPP provides a statistical summary of the data developed in the modeling process to each area. This summary may also provide comparative data from urban areas of similar size and/or characteristics. Data and information most generally available include:

  • Summary of Trip Generation Data - A comparison of percent change and growth rates between base year and forecast year population, households, household size, household income, employment, and urban area size.
  • Volume/Capacity Analysis – A comparison of the assigned volume to the roadway capacity for each network link.
  • Traffic Assignment – A base year and forecast year network map plotted with assigned volumes on each link.
  • Turning Movements – A summary of base year and forecast year node-to-node turning movements for each intersection in the network.
  • Trip Length Summary by Trip Purpose – A comparison of percent change and annual growth rates for urban area trip lengths by trip purpose between the base year and forecast year.
  • Twenty-four Hour Trip Volumes by Trip Purpose – A comparison of percent change and annual growth rates for urban area 24-hour trip volumes between the base year and forecast year.
  • External Trips Summary – A comparison of percent change and annual growth rates for urban area external local and external through trips between the base year and the forecast year.
  • Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT) Summary – A summary of total VMT, VMT by functional class, VMT per capita, and VMT per household for the base and forecast years.
  • Sector and/or District Assigned Volumes – A comparison of total assigned traffic volumes within each sector and/or district for the base year and forecast year.

In addition, TxDOT makes available to each MPO a coded network file and 24-hour trip table in TRANPLAN formats. The MPO can use this information to perform analysis of alternatives at the system or project level.

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