Chapter 3: Project Level Traffic Data Development


Section 1: Feasibility Studies

Anchor: #i1001338


TxDOT performs feasibility studies to determine the engineering and economic feasibility of a proposed project. A feasibility study is the first level of study required for projects under consideration by TxDOT for long-range project authorization (LRP).

TxDOT uses traffic forecasts in feasibility studies to analyze a preliminary facility alignment, cross-section, and access scheme to determine the effectiveness of the project to serve the projected demand. They also use traffic studies to estimate the financial feasibility of the project through cost-benefit analysis.

Anchor: #i1001353

Traffic Data Provided

TPP provides the following traffic data for a feasibility study:

  • design year non-directional average daily traffic (ADT) with estimates of the directional distribution, peak hour traffic, and truck percentages
  • base year non-directional ADT with estimates of the directional distribution and peak hour and truck percentages
  • base year and design year daily VMT for the system and the corridor
  • base year and design year daily vehicle hours of travel for the system and the corridor
  • base year and design year vehicle hours of delay for the system and the corridor
  • base year and design year average vehicle speed for the system and the corridor.
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