Section 13: Off-System Traffic Data

Anchor: #i1105382

Off-System Traffic Data Collection

Off-system traffic data are collected on off-system roads on a five-year cycle. The sites counted are HPMS sites, sites identified by TxDOT districts and MPOs, and sites by functional class developed by random sample. The data are generally collected in conjunction with ACR contract counts.

Anchor: #i1105393

Off-System Traffic Data Analysis

The data collected count the total number of axles passing a specific point. The number of axles is divided by two to estimate the volume of vehicles on a specific road segment. The information is used to provide area traffic estimates for air quality models and to meet FHWA requirements.

Anchor: #i1105403

Off-System Traffic Data Reporting

Off-system traffic volumes are reported on a series of maps. These maps are updated and published as counts are performed. Maps are available through map sales at TxDOT district offices and TPP.

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