Anchor: #i1005827

Section 6: Filming/Video Production on State Right of Way

Anchor: #i1005832


In accordance with Government Code, Chapter 485, it is the policy of the department to cooperate with the Office of the Governor's Music, Film, Television, and Multimedia Office to the greatest extent possible to fully implement the state's goal of promoting the development of the music, film, television, and multimedia industries in Texas. Texas Administrative Code, Title 43, Rule §22.13, established rules and procedures for promoting this industry.

An agreement has been developed in accordance with those rules and procedures. The agreement is intended to encourage and facilitate access to department highway facilities and their adjacent rights of way for the promotion of that goal, while protecting the safety of the traveling public and the integrity of state highway facilities and right of way in accordance with the State's requirements.

A requestor may enter into an “Agreement for Film/Video Production on State Highway Right of Way” Form TEA28 with TxDOT in order to authorize the closure of a segment of the state highway right of way. State highway right of way means the right of way of a highway designated as part of the state highway system.

For more information about these agreements, see the Negotiated Contracts Policy Manual.

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