Anchor: #i1000860

Section 2: Mailboxes

Anchor: #i1000865

Department Policy on Mailbox Supports

It is the policy of the department to construct and furnish, free of charge, mailbox supports for all rural postal patrons located on state maintained highways. This is to ensure the most recent crash testing standards for compliant mailbox configurations, Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware, are installed. The postal patron should provide a standard mailbox of light sheet metal or plastic construction that conforms to the requirements of the U.S. Postal Service. Additional information is available on the department’s homepage.

Rubbermaid and Step 2 brand molded plastic mailboxes may be mounted with lag bolts on a 4" x 4" wooden support post furnished by the postal patron. These types of mailboxes conform to USPS standards.

Anchor: #i1000880

Installation Requirements

Mailbox supports must be installed in accordance with departmental policies and standard details for mailboxes.

Type 2 markers should be used to delineate mailbox supports. For further information, refer to the Sign Crew Field Book for installation requirements.

Anchor: #i1000897

Mailbox Installations Inside City Corporate Limits

Cities should be encouraged to adopt the same or comparable standards for those installations on the state highway system within the incorporated city limits.

Anchor: #i1000907

Placement of Installations

For safety and operational purposes, consideration should be given to placing installations a sufficient distance from the edge of the travelway to permit the delivery and receipt of mail without occupying the travel lane. Factors which should be considered include the number of mailboxes, average daily traffic, and sight distances. All weather access should be provided for these installations.

Anchor: #i1000921

Newspaper Delivery Tubes

Newspaper delivery tubes may be attached beneath the mailbox on the downstream side, opposite of "Type 2" marker on the same support. Newspaper tubes should be of light sheet metal or plastic construction of minimum dimensions suitable for holding a newspaper. The name of the newspaper may be imprinted on the tube; however, no other printing or advertising should be allowed. Tubes should not be painted except to eliminate advertising.

Anchor: #i1000931

Installations Requiring Numerous Mailboxes

For those installations requiring numerous mailboxes such as apartment complexes, mobile home parks, etc., the postal patron should be encouraged to place the installation on a low volume intersecting roadway or on private property whenever possible.

Neighborhood Delivery and Collection Box Units (NDCBU) should not be allowed inside the safety clear zone and preferably should not be allowed in the right of way if safer alternates are present. NDCBU installation is encouraged on a low volume intersecting roadway or on private property whenever possible. Where this is not practical, installation near the right of way line may be considered based on site conditions and safety considerations. TxDOT crews shall maintain the walkway or path leading to the NDCBU if installed on state right of way, and the post office should maintain the NDCBU. TxDOT crews may install NDCBUs or other mailbox supports on county right of way with concurrence from the county and post office.

Anchor: #i1018075

County Road Homeowners

Homeowners that do not own property adjacent to a state highway shall not install a mailbox on the state maintained highway. Maintenance Division recommends that the county, homeowners association, or the post office fund the mailbox support or NDCBU to be placed on the county right of way.

Anchor: #i1000946

Removal of Mailboxes

Any mailbox and/or support that violates the intent of this policy must be removed by the postal patron upon written department notification (certified letter). A standardized form letter (Form 2050) may be used for notification. If not removed within an acceptable period of time the department will remove the mailbox.

TxDOT reserves the right to remove any illegal mailbox installation on TxDOT right of way and charge for any costs to remove the mailbox, including for patrons that do not own property adjacent to the state highway system. Any crashworthy mailboxes installed prior to July 28, 2022 for off-system patrons may remain if they do not create a safety hazard.

Notification of damaged mailboxes should be made as soon as possible to ensure mailbox parts do not become disassembled during a crash causing improper crash impact response. Contact the Maintenance Division for a sample letter that may be sent to a homeowner if necessary.

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