Anchor: #i1000801

Section 3: Utility Installation Request Forms

Anchor: #i1000806

Requirement of Utility Installation Request Forms

All requests for new installations of utilities on highway rights-of-way, other than for highway needs, should be made by the use of "Utility Installation Request" (Form 1082), with drawings to be used for new in-stallations, except for:

    Anchor: #BLFNVNIT
  • attachments to bridges
  • Anchor: #LIHOOIYF
  • construction of utility bridges
  • Anchor: #YFXTOQQL
  • utilities located on rights of way owned or leased by the utility owners
  • Anchor: #LYJTHRQJ
  • instances in which the state is participating in the adjustment or relocation cost of the utility installation to meet highway design requirements.

Requestors are encouraged to use the online Utility Installation Review (UIR) system to submit requests.

Utility Joint Use Agreements prescribed by the Right of Way Division (ROW) should be used when an adjustment or relocation of existing utility facilities is planned within the limits of a highway project. ROW forms are also to be used regardless of state participation or whether the utility facilities are adjusted or relocated within highway rights of way by statutory or compensible right. Use ROW's Utility Joint Use Agreement forms within projects when the utility facility is to remain in place without adjustment or relocation unless the facility has previously been covered by an appropriate approved departmental notice form.

Other sections in this chapter further discuss attachment of utilities to bridges and construction of utility bridges.


Requirements for "Notice" Side of Form

The appropriate form is to be completed in detail and signed by the applicant on the "Notice" side. This portion of the form should briefly but adequately describe the proposed installation and give the following information:


Additional Requirements for High Pressure Pipelines

All Utility Installation Request forms for high pressure pipelines (generally 60 psi or greater) should contain the following additional information in the description section of the permit form:

With the exception of the maximum operation pressure of the pipeline, this information is to be supplied for both the carrier pipe and the casing. Assurance must also be given that the installation material and design meet the minimum federal safety standards for liquid and gas pipelines 49 CFR part 192.

High pressure pipeline requests, cased and unencased, will require the following project information:

More information about requirements for high pressure pipelines may be found in the 43 Texas Administrative Code Rule §21.40 Underground Utilities


Special Provisions

Any specifications not included on the "Notice" or "Approval" side of the form must be included in a list of Special Provisions that must be attached to and made a part of the notice form. These provisions may be for one specific installation or may be a district requirement.

Anchor: #i1000853

Review and Approval of Utility Notice Forms

After the applicant completes the appropriate form, the district should review and complete the form by attaching all special provisions and requirements necessary to achieve a safe installation and an undelayed approval.

The district engineer is authorized to approve all utility notice forms and agreements except the following:

By cover letter, the district engineer will forward to the Maintenance Division any utility notice form along with their recommendation, which falls under any case listed above for review and administrative decision.

For an exception to policy, be sure the company memo and/or district cover letter addresses the 43 TAC Rule §21.35 Exceptions.

Anchor: #i1000885

Review and Approval of Utility Notice Forms

Utility forms submitted to the Maintenance Division will receive appropriate review and handling, after which the Maintenance Division will advise the district of approval or disapproval. The district will then advise the utility company by letter accordingly. The utility company should not begin work until advised to do so by the district. It is the district engineer’s responsibility to administer all utility installations in accordance with the policies of the department and to maintain a complete record of permits issued.

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