Anchor: #i1000773

Section 2: Dump Trucks

Dump trucks are the workhorses of TxDOT
snow removal. Snow plows are mounted to dump trucks and are used
to push the accumulated snow off the roadway. Spreaders are also mounted
on dump trucks to facilitate the spreading of materials for snow
and ice control. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000775grtop

Figure 3-1. Dump trucks are the workhorses of TxDOT snow removal. Snow plows are mounted to dump trucks and are used to push the accumulated snow off the roadway. Spreaders are also mounted on dump trucks to facilitate the spreading of materials for snow and ice control.

Anchor: #i1003365

Pre-storm activities

Well before a storm strikes, be sure to:

Anchor: #i1003429

During the storm activities

While using the equipment during a storm:

Anchor: #i1003454

Post-storm activities

Once the storm is over, be sure to:

    Anchor: #NJBQELXJ
  • clean and remove all anti-icing and other excess materials from the cab and undercarriage
  • Anchor: #EEOITDVK
  • service truck as needed to prepare for next assignment
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