Anchor: #i1000797

Section 4: Loader

Loaders are a vital piece of equipment
during a snow and/or ice event. They are used for loading material
on the trucks to fight the ice and snow. They are also used to clear intersections
and driveways. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000801grtop

Figure 3-3. Loaders are a vital piece of equipment during a snow and/or ice event. They are used for loading material on the trucks to fight the ice and snow. They are also used to clear intersections and driveways.

Anchor: #i1003610

Pre -storm activities

Well before a storm strikes, be sure to:

Anchor: #i1003654

During the storm activities

While using the equipment during a storm:

Anchor: #i1003674

Post storm activities

Once the storm is over, be sure to:

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