Section 2: Federal Reporting

Anchor: #i999371

Tracking Storm Damage Costs

In extreme situations such as severe ice storms, districts may seek reimbursement through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Reimbursement is limited to the repair of damages due to severe ice storms. Damages due to snow storms are not eligible for federal reimbursement.

Ice storms that are eligible for federal reimbursement are usually severe with damages in the millions of dollars. The damage estimates for a severe ice event follow the storm’s path across the state accumulating costs from all affected districts. This increases the likelihood of meeting the actual cost requirements of a qualifying storm.

Each maintenance section should track their costs for the storm by charging work to a disaster project that has been set up in the maintenance management system (MMS) and using the appropriate function from Code Chart 12. The project can be set up by the district office or maintenance section. Responsibility for setting up the project should be identified in the district's Snow and Ice Control Plan. Reports can be generated from the MMS and provided to FEMA as required. Acquiring federal reimbursement can have a significant impact on sections that have spent roadway maintenance funds during storm response and clean up.

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