Anchor: #i1000811

Section 5: Snow Plow

The Snow Plow is an attachment for a six-
and 10-cubic yard truck. It is used to remove snow from the pavement.  (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000815grtop

Figure 3-4. The Snow Plow is an attachment for a six- and 10-cubic yard truck. It is used to remove snow from the pavement.

Anchor: #i1003713

Pre – storm activities

Well before a storm strikes, be sure to:

Anchor: #i1003777

During the storm activities

While using the equipment during a storm:

    Anchor: #ISIDFJAN
  • perform occasional walk around to check for any problems that may arise (lights, leaks, tires, etc.)
  • Anchor: #NINVQPPW
  • keep constant check on blade wear to protect moldboard
  • Anchor: #LXPPFJWN
  • watch hydraulic levels to assure correct operation of the plow.
Anchor: #i1003802

Post storm activities

Once the storm is over, be sure to:

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