Anchor: #i1000875

Section 10: Herbicide Rig

The herbicide rig is used to apply anti-icing
liquids prior to an approaching storm. It is also used for de-icing
applications during the storm.  (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000879grtop

Figure 3-9. The herbicide rig is used to apply anti-icing liquids prior to an approaching storm. It is also used for de-icing applications during the storm.

Anchor: #i1004266

Pre-storm activities

Well before a storm strikes, be sure to:

Anchor: #i1004317

During the storm activities

While using the equipment during a storm:

    Anchor: #ADFNNOYE
  • perform occasional walk around to check for any problems (lights, leaks)
  • Anchor: #KBIJNTEF
  • repair any problem as necessary to ensure correct operation of equipment.
Anchor: #i1004337

Post storm activities

Once the storm is over, be sure to:

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