Anchor: #i1008534

Section 6: Form ROW-E-49 Preparation

Anchor: #i1008540

Corporate Information

The correct name of corporations and the name and address of the registered agent can be obtained from the Secretary of State Corporate Division at (512) 463-5555. Information may also be obtained from the Secretary of State through E-mail at

Anchor: #i1008549

Resolution Trust Corporation

In cases where property or lien interests appear to remain of record in the Resolution Trust Corporation, the FDIC will be served as the Successor to the Resolution Trust Corporation. (It is recommended that one contact Division Legal when the Resolution Trust Corporation is involved.)

Anchor: #i1008558

Bank Information

Information about banks, transfer of assets, etc., can be obtained by calling:

Anchor: #i1008578


FDIC service is perfected upon the FDIC when the Petition and Notice is:

(Parties must receive notice 60 days prior to the Hearing.)

Served by certified, return receipt requested mail, pursuant to 12 CFR, Section 309.7 upon the designated agent for service for Texas:

Judith Sinclair Regional Counsel

Legal Division of Supervision Designated Agent for Service FDIC

1910 Pacific Ave., Ste. 1900

Dallas, Texas 75201;


Served by certified, return receipt requested mail, pursuant to 28 USC Section 2410, to:

Attorney General of the United States Main Justice Building, Room 5111

10th and Constitution Avenue

N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530;


By delivering a copy of the Notice and Petition, pursuant to 28 USC Section 2410 and Rule 4(d)(4), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, to:

U.S. Attorney for District in which property is located.

Anchor: #i1008627

Internal Revenue Service Parties

Internal Revenue Service Parties must receive Notice of Hearing 60 days prior to the scheduled date of the Hearing. A copy of the Tax Lien must be included with the Notice of Hearing. A copy of the Petition should include, (1) the numbered address of the taxpayer who created the lien and, (2) the identity of the Internal Revenue office which filed the Notice and the date and place it was filed. A copy of the lien should be attached to the Petition.

Served by certified, return receipt requested mail, pursuant to 28 USC Section 2410, to:

Attorney General of the United States Main Justice Building, Room 5111

10th and Constitution Avenue N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20530;


By delivering a copy of the Notice and Petition, pursuant to 28 USC Section 2410 and Rule 4(d)(4), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, to:

U.S. Attorney for District in which property is located.

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