Anchor: #i1000118

Section 3: Payment of Commissioners' Awards

Anchor: #i1000124


Submit payment requests through TxC. If owner executed a PUA submit a payment request for the difference. Include a comment under payment memo on the payment request explaining the difference.

Supporting documentation to upload to OnBase for commissioners' award payment request:

    Anchor: #KKSCCMHV
  • copy of Award of Special Commissioner signed by special commissioners;

Perform the following steps:

    Anchor: #FDAVXKCQ
  • Prepare the Notice of Deposit after receiving the warrant for payment of the award.
  • Anchor: #YCNSPBOV
  • Promptly deliver the warrant to the clerk of the court for deposit into the registry of the court.
  • Anchor: #WKAHXABX
  • Obtain and keep the clerk's receipt showing the date of deposit into the registry of the court.
  • Anchor: #EMPIJYYF
  • To avoid unnecessary payment of interest when no objections are filed to the award, deposit the State's warrant into the registry of the court before, or no later than, the time that the Judgment in Absence of Objections is signed by the judge of the court.
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