Section 4: Section III of Form ROW-E-49 (Parties Not to be Joined)
Anchor: #i1001577Holders of Property Interests Not To Be Joined as Parties:
If any person or entity listed in the title commitment is not a necessary party, give a brief reason in this section. List the name of the entity followed by an appropriate explanation, such as:
- Anchor: #WNSTRAIA
- “1/2 undivided fee owner - acquired by deed”; Anchor: #CVWKAHHJ
- “lienholder - released”; Anchor: #MHSQKKSC
- “public utility easement - handled through utility adjustment”; Anchor: #NAIBHJIT
- “easement - not within taking” (or “compatible with proposed highway use”); Anchor: #MXNWFOIX
- “tenant by sufferance or allowance” (month to month renters); and Anchor: #GVLQAORN
- “mineral estate - entire estate not in taking, and no production or production facilities within or near the taking’.
Show recording information for instruments, if known. Show leasehold interests (including signboard leases) that are acquired by negotiation or that are not affected by the taking.