Anchor: #i1001822

Section 8: Section VII of Form ROW-E-49 (Appraisals)

Anchor: #i1001828


Information in the recommended appraisal of the property should match information on this form.

    Anchor: #FCOXPJUP
  • Original appraiser(s) and value(s)

    List names of all appraisers who appraised the property interest and the value that each appraiser determined. This applies whether or not the appraisal report was approved by ROW PD. It is imperative that the assigned AAG be aware of any existing appraisal reports that were not approved after review.

  • Anchor: #OGMAKVLQ
  • Approved Value

    From values listed above, fill in the value of the property interest that the ROW PD recommends as fair compensation to the property interest owner.

  • Anchor: #XBCKICHB
  • Recommended Appraisal Witness(es)

    List the appraisers that TxDOT recommends to reappraise the property interest and serve as witness for the amount of just compensation (at the special commissioners' hearing).

  • Anchor: #MPXOGBQH
  • Special Comments on Witness(es), if any

    Enter comments supporting recommendation of appraisal witness(es). Consider various factors listed in TxDOT's ROW Appraisal and Review Manual. If any appraiser is listed whose appraisal was not approved by ROW PD, explain the reasons and include the appraisal report and appraisal review in the submission package.

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