Appendix A: Eminent Domain Guide

Anchor: #i1006983

Section 1: Preface

Anchor: #i1006989


The objective of this guide is to facilitate the ROW Program Office training efforts for ED proceedings by providing ROW personnel with a concise, easy to follow guide which sets out procedures and time lines of ED activities and requirements. With this objective in mind, checklists, court papers with helpful suggestions and cross-referencing within the Right of Way Manuals are included. The goal is for relatively inexperienced ROW personnel to proceed through a not too complex ED situation from the decision to condemn to parcel acquisition, with minimum outside guidance and direction. Users should recognize this guide does not cover all situations, inasmuch as no guide can be all encompassing without becoming unnecessarily involved, weighty and therefore probably unusable. Since the ED process of itself is dynamic in nature, change will occur and experienced ROW personnel will recognize this and always seek the advice of the ROW Program Office and/or the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) before proceeding with an action which could jeopardize an ED acquisition procedure.

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