Section 2: Excel Data Entry Instructions

Anchor: #i1000523

About the Excel Spreadsheets

There are three forms for the data entry. Their names and uses are as follows:

Anchor: #i999961Spreadsheet Forms and Uses

Spreadsheet Form Name

Form Use

MC Data Entry Two Direction

Use for a directional (two-way) count or for a frontage road count only (without main lanes)

MC Data Entry Three Leg

Use for a three-way intersection count

MC Data Entry Four Leg or Direction with FR

Use for a four-way intersection count or a directional count with frontage roads

NOTE: Use the Excel spreadsheets to transfer the hand-written traffic data from the Form 1617A field copies into electronic format. Here is an overview of the general process:

  1. Create a data directory for storing the three Excel spreadsheets as blank files
  2. Copy the blank spreadsheets into the directory you created
  3. Create subsequent directories as needed, perhaps by TxDOT districts, and store the spreadsheet files with completed data entry for each traffic count
  4. Open the spreadsheet file name for the type traffic count needed
  5. Name the file and store it in one of the subsequent directories
  6. Proceed with data entry
  7. Save the file often while you are working
Anchor: #i1000572

The Data Entry Process

Figure H-1 is an example of a blank data entry spreadsheet for a twenty-four hour, two-way count. Refer to the table, Data Entry Process, for completing the spreadsheet.

Blank data entry spreadsheet. (click in image to see full-size image)

Figure H-1. Blank data entry spreadsheet.

Click here to view a .pdf of this spreadsheet.

Anchor: #i999981Data Entry Process

Excel Spreadsheet Column or Cell

For each hour of the count and each direction or leg…


Enter the prefix of the counting station/site. (A3 populates other cells.)


Enter the station/site number. (B3 populates other cells.)


Enter the suffix of the station/site if one is given; leave blank if none noted. (C3 populates other cells.)


Enter the direction of leg code; leave blank if using direction code. (D3 populates other cells.)


Enter the direction code; leave blank if using direction of leg code. (E3 populates other cells.)


Enter FR if this is a frontage road count; leave blank otherwise. (F3 populates other cells.)


Enter the last two numbers of the year. (G3 populates other cells.)


Enter the month of the count in a two-digit format. (H3 populates other cells.)


Enter the date of the traffic counter’s shift in two-digit format. (I3 populates other cells.)

J through Y

Enter the vehicle counts from Form 1617A under the correct class column and in the correct direction of travel block(s).

Anchor: #i1000581

Validating Data Entry

When you have finished entering all data into the Excel spreadsheet, compare the totals on the spreadsheet to the totals to the Form 1617A field copies. If all data has been correctly entered, the totals will match. You must correct all discrepancies in the Excel spreadsheet before submission.

NOTE: Be sure you have correctly entered either a direction of leg code or direction code.

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