Chapter 6: Using Form 1617A

Anchor: #i1002521

Section 1: Setting Up Form 1617A

Anchor: #i1002526

Required Format

Traffic counts are reported using Form 1617A. An example of the form is in Appendix B, but the official form is 11” x 17” . Form 1617A is also referred to at times as the manual count classification sheet.

It is critical that Form 1617A be completed accurately and legibly. Block style printing is required; cursive is prohibited. Data from the completed Form 1617A will later be entered into a computer database; therefore, any forms with illegible data are considered useless.

NOTE: Only number two pencils may be used for reporting traffic counts. No ink pens, ball point pens, erasable ink pens, felt tip markers, or other writing instruments may be used for writing on Form 1617A.

Anchor: #i1002548

Header Information

Before driving to a counting station, traffic counters should review their assigned schedule and prepare the header information on Form 1617A.

First Lines. For the first row of blank lines on Form 1617A, enter the following:

  • Station number
    • identification of the counting location
    • example: HP-870
  • Date of the count
    • for your shift
  • TxDOT district name and code number
    • district of the count’s location
    • districts are listed on Form 1617A
    • district map is in Appendix C
  • County name and code number
    • county of the counting location
    • counties are listed in Appendix G
  • Traffic counter’s name

Block Lines. Form 1617A has four blocks for entering data on two-to-four directions or legs of traffic flow. Use details from the assigned schedule to enter information on the blank lines above each block as needed for two, three, or four directions of traffic flow:

  • Direction (enter for each leg of traffic)
    • Two-way counts will use the top two blocks only
      • Frontage road counts (no main lanes) also use top two blocks only
    • Three-way counts will use the top three blocks only
    • Four-way counts will use all four blocks
      • Enter the direction and the corresponding code
      • Enter the corresponding direction code as shown here:



















  • Highway number
    • enter for each leg of traffic
  • To
    • enter a town name
    • the nearest town for each leg of traffic
  • Hour
    • enter each hour of a counting shift
    • 00 is the midnight hour
    • 00 is the first hour of a 24-hour count
    • 23 is the last hour of a 24-hour count

NOTE: If a traffic counter’s shift lasts more than eight hours, the counter must use two 1617A sheets for the shift. For example, eight hours on one sheet and two hours on the second.

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