Anchor: #i999147

Section 2: Dealing with the Public

When interacting with the public you must be courteous, considerate, and respectful of them and their property. When speaking with the public speak respectfully and use appropriate language.

Anchor: #i999156

Harassment by the Public

Maintain a calm, professional attitude when confronted by the public. If you are harassed or verbally abused, avoid the individual(s) and check with your supervisor to determine whether to leave the counting site. If you believe conditions threaten your physical safety, contact the local authorities immediately by calling 911. If you are in a remote area where the 911 service is not operating properly, call the Texas Department of Public Safety at (800) 525-5555 to obtain the local authority’s telephone number.

Anchor: #i999167

Requests for Traffic Counts

Do not perform special traffic counts for the public or reveal traffic data to the public. Instead, politely refer the person requesting the count to the contact information below.

Traffic data is analyzed using various statistical techniques before it is published. Raw counts have little meaning and are misleading.

TxDOT publishes urban, highway, and county traffic counts on maps which are available to the private sector. Printed maps do have a fee, but emailed maps in pdf format are free.

Anchor: #i999022Sources for TxDOT Traffic Count Maps

Web site requests

Telephoned requests

(512) 486-5012

Written requests

Texas Department of Transportation

Transportation Planning and Programming Division

P.O. Box 5020

Austin, Texas 78763

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