Anchor: #i1007770

Section 3: Traffic Counter Vehicle

Anchor: #i1007775

Safety Standards

Employees shall follow policies and procedures in the Equipment Manual and the Equipment Preventive Maintenance Manual while using state vehicles. Willful violation is grounds for disciplinary action.

Anchor: #i1007788


If a traffic counter is involved in a collision while conducting a vehicle classification count:

  • Call 911 if injuries need medical attention.
  • Move vehicles out of traffic, if there are no visible signs of injury and vehicles are drivable.
  • Use a first aid kit or fire extinguisher, if comfortable doing so. Follow universal precautions and treat all blood and bodily fluids as infected by using latex protection.
  • Contact your supervisor.


For vehicle, road hazard, or other stranding problems, the Texas Department of Public Safety has a toll-free number to help.

  • 1-800-525-5555, DPS Stranded Motorist Hotline.

The number is printed on the back of all Texas driver licenses and ID cards, and used for non-emergency assistance. It is not a substitute for 911.

Depending on your location, the call is routed to the appropriate police agency that will provide help or send a unit to check on your welfare until other help arrives.

Anchor: #i1004417Where your call will be routed

Your location

Call routed to

Inside city limits

Police department with local jurisdiction

In a rural area

Sheriff’s office with local jurisdiction

Areas with courtesy patrols

Courtesy Patrol (or you will be given the number)

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