Chapter 1: Introduction

Anchor: #Overview

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i999055


Prior to the publication of the first edition of the Sign Crew Field Book in 1997, field sign crews had to rely upon the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Texas MUTCD), the TxDOT Traffic Control Standard Sheets, or instructions from supervisors to determine the most effective placement of traffic signs on conventional highways. However, these documents primarily address sign design and selection, with less detailed information on sign placement. The Sign Crew Field Book is intended to provide field sign personnel with information beyond that contained in the Texas MUTCD or the TxDOT Traffic Engineering Standard Sheets to improve statewide uniformity in the placement of traffic signs. This field book is specifically intended for use by field sign crews. Therefore, it emphasizes the use of figures and contains only limited amounts of text.

Chapter 1 provides background information about the field book, including its relation to other signing documents and the general content in the remainder of the field book.

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