Manual Notice: 2018-1

From: Michael A. Chacon, P.E., Traffic Safety Division

Manual: Sign Crew Field Book

Effective Date: October 17, 2018



The purpose of this revision of the Sign Crew Field Book is to provide Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) district sign crews with updated information pertaining to the placement of signs, mailboxes and other devices on TxDOT right-of-way.

Prior to the publication of the first edition of the Sign Crew Field Book in 1997, which at that time was only available in hard-copy format, sign crews working in the field in TxDOT districts had to rely on the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD), TxDOT Traffic Control Standard Sheets, or instructions from supervisors to determine the most effective placement of traffic signs. As these documents primarily addressed sign design and selection, with less detailed information on sign placement, the Sign Crew Field Book was developed to provide district sign crews with additional and more detailed information to improve statewide uniformity in the placement of traffic signs. The first online edition of the Sign Crew Field Book was published in October of 2009.



The contents of the Sign Crew Field Book have been revised to reflect new and updated policies and standards of TxDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) pertaining to the placement of signs, mailboxes and other devices on state right-of-way. Because this field book is specifically intended for use by district sign crews, it emphasizes the use of tables and graphics and contains only limited amounts of text.

Specific changes to content in the Sign Crew Field Book include:

    Anchor: #WANKAXCW
  • Updates to references to the TMUTCD and Traffic Control Standard Sheets throughout the manual.
  • Anchor: #GEGLLLEJ
  • Updates to content and/or improvements to quality of more than 90 percent of the figures in the manual.
  • Anchor: #EAMWOSCV
  • Addition of subsection in Chapter 1, Section 2, on replacing signs in the field.
  • Anchor: #GNKQDODR
  • Deletion of information pertaining to Watch for Ice on Bridge signs from Chapter 2.
  • Anchor: #XKHBKEUQ
  • Updates to information in Chapter 3, Section 2, on Warning Sign advance placement conditions.
  • Anchor: #LCQLRFGE
  • Addition of information to Chapter 3, Section 3, on the use of By-Pass, Begin and Temporary auxiliary signs.
  • Anchor: #IOGXTXQB
  • Deletion of route sign assembly flowcharts in Chapter 3, Section 3.
  • Anchor: #QVPVFRLF
  • Addition of Section 7 and Section 8 on Divided Highway Transitions and Diamond Interchanges to Chapter 7.
  • Anchor: #TKNFVRGI
  • Addition of information to Chapter 8 on the use of Chevrons.
  • Anchor: #NUOFAJCQ
  • Updates to tables throughout the manual.
  • Anchor: #UDCXMBJS
  • Updates to cross references to figures throughout the manual.


For more information on the contents of the Sign Crew Field Book, contact Doug Skowronek by email at, or by phone at 512-416-3120.



Past Sign Crew Field Book manual notices are available in a PDF archive.

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