Anchor: #i1002376

Section 6: Mailbox Attachments

Anchor: #i1002382


Several items can be attached to a mailbox or mailbox support, including an object marker, emergency location number, and newspaper receptacle.

Anchor: #i1002392

Object Markers on Mailbox Supports

On two-lane, two-way roads, object markers should be placed on both sides of the mailbox support. In other cases, mailboxes should have a yellow Type 2 object marker facing traffic on the near side of the roadway. The Type 2 object marker can be either of the following:

    Anchor: #UHSSRJVR
  • A 6 inch wide by 12 inch tall rectangular unit with reflective sheeting bolted or affixed to the support.
  • Anchor: #XJBGFMOJ
  • A 12 inch strip of sheeting wrapped around the support post.

The top of the Type 2 object marker should be 6-8 inches below the bottom of the mailbox. Figures 9-19 and 9-20 illustrate the use of the object marker on mailbox supports.

Type 2 Object Marker Installations (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #XDHNRFLRgrtop

Figure 9-19. Type 2 Object Marker Installations

Type 2 Object Marker Installation (Sheeting
Wrap on Multiple Post) (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #FRVYAWBSgrtop

Figure 9-20. Type 2 Object Marker Installation (Sheeting Wrap on Multiple Post)

Anchor: #i1002437

Emergency Location Number

An Emergency Location Number can be placed on a mailbox installation to indicate the address. The number is the street address for the mailbox. The preferred location is on the mailbox. The alternative location is in place of the Type 2 object marker on the support. When used in place of the object marker, the Emergency Location Number shall be black numbers on a yellow Type 2 object marker panel. Figure 9-21 illustrates the Emergency Location Number.

Placement of Emergency Location Number (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #JLAAINGNgrtop

Figure 9-21. Placement of Emergency Location Number

Anchor: #i1002457

Newspaper Receptacle

A lightweight receptacle for newspaper delivery can be attached to a mailbox support if the receptacle meets all of the following conditions:

The newspaper receptacle is placed on the downstream side of the post so that an object marker can be placed on the side facing traffic. Figure 9-22 illustrates newspaper receptacle placement.

Newspaper Receptacle Placement (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #OAULRRCOgrtop

Figure 9-22. Newspaper Receptacle Placement

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