Anchor: #i999051

Section 2: Handbook Information

Anchor: #i999056

Purpose of Handbook

The Pavement Marking Handbook contains guidance, procedures, and recommendations addressing many different aspects of pavement marking selection, installation, and inspection. The objectives of the Pavement Marking Handbook are to:

  • harmonize statewide practices
  • implement research
  • provide a single “go-to” resource for striping.
Anchor: #i999084

Status of Handbook

This handbook presents information as guidance for use by design personnel. This handbook does not establish any standards, specifications, or regulations. This handbook carries no legal authority.

In some cases, the information presented in this handbook exceeds the minimum guidelines contained in the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devises (TMUTCD) or other TxDOT documents. This handbook does not supersede or modify the minimum guidelines contained in other TxDOT documents. In situations where the guidelines presented in this handbook cannot be satisfied, designers should try to meet the minimum guidelines contained in other TxDOT documents.

Anchor: #i999101

Application of Handbook Guidelines

This handbook is intended for use by office personnel in the selection and specification of materials and by field personnel associated with the installation and inspection of markings. Although this handbook addresses the selection, specification, installation, and inspection of markings, it does not establish any criteria, warrants, or standards associated with the use of pavement markings.

Anchor: #i999111

Handbook Content

This handbook describes various aspects of pavement markings, providing information on both selection and installation of pavement marking materials. The chapters of this handbook address the following topics:

  • Chapter 1 — describes the handbook and its relation to other pavement marking documents.
  • Chapter 2 — provides information intended to help the engineer or designer select the appropriate marking material for a given roadway and to develop the appropriate specifications.
  • Chapter 3 — provides inspectors with necessary guidance in the field inspection of pavement markings before, during, and after application.
  • Appendix A — provides general information about pavement marking visibility and retroreflectivity.
  • Appendix B — provides lists of and links to:
    • the most significant TxDOT pavement marking material specifications
    • some of the most pertinent TxDOT pavement marking construction specifications
    • two of the key TxDOT test methods for pavement marking inspection
    • some of the most pertinent TxDOT pavement marking standard sheets
    • some of the most pertinent traffic control standard sheets for pavement marking operations.
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