Anchor: #i1021821

Section 7: Material Selection Guide

Anchor: #i1021826


This section serves as a pavement marking material selection guide for designers and others engaged in the selection of pavement marking materials. The data and recommendations reported in this section are based on research findings, literature, manufacturer recommendations, and practice of other agencies.

Anchor: #i1021836

Material Selection Tables

Although every attempt was made to make the material selection tables as comprehensive as possible, new materials and formulations frequently become available. Therefore, materials that are not listed in the following tables may be used on an experimental basis with approval of TRF or CST-MAT.

Table 2-19. Pavement Marking Materials for HOT-MIX ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENTS1, applies to pavement markings on hot-mix asphalt surfaces, Table 2-20, applies to pavement markings on hydraulic cement concrete surfaces, and Table 2-21 applies to pavement markings on surface treatments. Each table is broken down by traffic volume category and remaining service life of the pavement surface.

NOTE: Materials may be used for either shortline or longline application — with the exception of two-component materials (e.g., epoxy, modified urethane, polyurea), which should only be used for longlines.

The highest recommended pavement marking material and alternate materials for each category are given in the following tables along with additional application information. Material thickness should be applied according to TxDOT Specification Item �666 or according to manufacturer recommendations if no TxDOT specification exists.

Anchor: #BGBDFEECTable 2-19. Pavement Marking Materials for HOT-MIX ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENTS1

(The highest-recommended material is emphasized.)


Pavement Remaining Service Life

Traffic Characteristic

0–2 years

2–4 years

> 4 years

AADT2 < 1,000

Thermo, Water-Based Paint

Thermo, Water-Based Paint

Thermo, Water-Based Paint, Epoxy3, 4, Modified Urethane4, Polyurea4, MMA4

1,000 < AADT < 10,000

Thermo, Water-Based Paint

Thermo, Epoxy3, 4, Modified Urethane4, Polyurea4, MMA4

Thermo, Preformed Tape, Epoxy3, 4, Polyurea4, Modified Urethane4, MMA4

AADT > 10,000

Thermo, Epoxy3, 4, Modified Urethane4

Thermo, Preformed Tape, Epoxy3, 4, Polyurea4, Modified Urethane4, MMA4

Preformed Tape, Thermo, Epoxy3, 4, Polyurea4, Modified Urethane4, MMA4

Heavy Weaving or Turning

Thermo, Epoxy3, 4, Modified Urethane4

Thermo, Epoxy3, 4, Polyurea4, Modified Urethane4, MMA4

Thermo, Epoxy3, 4, Polyurea4, Modified Urethane4, MMA4


1. Materials may be used for shortlines or longlines — with the exception of two-component materials, which should only be used for longlines. Other materials may be used on an experimental basis with approval of TRF or CST-MAT. Contrast markings may be used to improve visibility and safety as needed.

2. AADT = Average Annual Daily Traffic.

3. Epoxies specially formulated as high-quality, high-durability permanent markings.

4. Experimental material.

Table 2-20. Pavement Marking Materials for HYDRAULIC CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENTS1

(The highest-recommended material is emphasized.)


Pavement Remaining Service Life

Traffic Characteristic

0–2 years

2–4 years

> 4 years

AADT2 < 10,000

Thermo3, Epoxy4, 6, Modified Urethane, Water-Based Paint

Epoxy4, 6, Thermo5 (concrete formulation), Modified Urethane6, Water-Based Paint, Polyurea6, MMA6

Epoxy4, 6, Thermo5 (concrete formulation), Modified Urethane6, Polyurea6, Water-Based Paint, MMA6

10,000 < AADT < 50,000

Thermo3, Epoxy4, 6, Modified Urethane6, Water-Based Paint, Polyurea6

Epoxy4, 6, Thermo5 (concrete formulation), Modified Urethane6, Polyurea6, Water-Based Paint, MMA6

Epoxy4, 6, Thermo5 (concrete formulation), Preformed Tape, Polyurea6, Modified Urethane6, MMA6

AADT > 50,000

Epoxy4, 6, Thermo5 (concrete formulation), Modified Urethane6

Epoxy4, 6, Thermo5 (concrete formulation), Preformed Tape, Polyurea6, Modified Urethane6, MMA6

Preformed Tape, Thermo5 (concrete formulation), Polyurea6, Modified Urethane6, Epoxy6, MMA6

Heavy Weaving or Turning

Epoxy4, 6 , Thermo5 (concrete formulation), Polyurea6, Modified Urethane6

Epoxy4, 6, Thermo5 (concrete formulation), Preformed Tape, Polyurea6, Modified Urethane6, MMA6

Epoxy4, 6, Thermo5 (concrete formulation), Preformed Tape, Polyurea6, Modified Urethane6, MMA6


1. Materials may be used for shortlines or longlines — with the exception of two-component materials, which should only be used for longlines. Other materials may be used on an experimental basis with approval of TRF or CST-MAT. Contrast markings may be used to improve visibility and safety as needed.

2. AADT = Average Annual Daily Traffic.

3. Primer-sealer required prior to application of current TxDOT spec. thermoplastic on concrete.

4. Epoxies specially formulated for use as high-quality, high-durability pavement markings.

5. See manufacturer’s recommendations for use of primer-sealer.

6. Experimental material.

Table 2-21. Pavement Marking Materials for SURFACE TREATMENTS1

(The highest-recommended material is emphasized.)


Pavement Remaining Service Life

Traffic Characteristic

0–2 years

2–4 years

> 4 years

AADT2 < 1,000

Thermo3,4, Water-Based Paint

Thermo3,4, Epoxy5, 6, Modified Urethane6, Water-Based Paint

Thermo3,4, Epoxy5, 6, Modified Urethane6, Polyurea6, Water-Based Paint

1,000 < AADT < 10,000

Thermo3,4, Water-Based Paint, Epoxy5, 6

Thermo3,4, Epoxy5, 6, Modified Urethane6, Polyurea6

Thermo3,4, Epoxy5, 6, Polyurea6, Modified Urethane6

AADT > 10,000

Thermo3,4, Epoxy5, 6, Modified Urethane6

Thermo3,4, Epoxy5, 6, Polyurea6, Modified Urethane6

Thermo3,4, Epoxy5, 6, Polyurea6, Modified Urethane6

Heavy Weaving or Turning

Thermo3,4, Epoxy5, 6, Modified Urethane6

Thermo3,4, Epoxy5, 6, Polyurea6, Modified Urethane6

Thermo3,4, Epoxy5, 6, Polyurea6, Modified Urethane6


1. Materials may be used for shortlines or longlines — with the exception of two-component materials, which should only be used for longlines. Other materials may be used on an experimental basis with approval of TRF or CST-MAT. Contrast markings may be used to improve visibility and safety as needed.

2. AADT = Average Annual Daily Traffic.

3. If bleeding or aggregate loss on a new surface treatment is common, consider the use of a temporary pavement marking (for example, paint or thin thermo) prior to standard thermoplastic application until the pavement surface has stabilized.

4. For surface treatments with Grade 3 aggregates or larger, thermoplastic thicknesses greater than 100 mil may be necessary to achieve proper durability.

5. Epoxies specially formulated for use as high-quality, high-durability pavement markings.

6. Experimental material.

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