Anchor: #i1003141

Section 2: Preliminary Items

Anchor: #i1003146

Pre-construction Meeting

Most construction contracts involve a pre-construction meeting at the local TxDOT office. For contracts involving pavement markings, specific marking items should be discussed at this meeting in an attempt to eliminate confusion and disputes during the striping operation. At minimum, these items should include:

  • estimated dates when striping will occur
  • marking materials that will be used
  • minimum marking thicknesses
  • estimated striping quantities
  • retroreflectivity requirements (if included in contract).
Anchor: #i1003185

Field Documentation Items

This section supplements Chapter 10, Section 8, of the Signs and Markings Volume of the Traffic Operations Manual.

Inspector’s Diary. Documentation of pavement marking field inspections is important. Inspectors should maintain a daily field diary of information relevant to a pavement marking operation. The diary is primarily for informal documentation of events as they occur on a job site. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • date
  • roadways striped
  • line types striped
  • start and stop times for striping
  • equipment failures and other problems
  • conversations
  • material manufacturers
  • material quantities
  • material temperature (if necessary)
  • air and pavement temperatures
  • line width and thickness
  • line retroreflectivity.

Contractor Documentation. TxDOT requires the pavement marking contractor to produce documentation of certain items. The inspector is usually responsible for obtaining documentation for such items, which include:

  • material invoice (all jobs)
  • material certification (only for special materials that are not currently tested by TxDOT)
  • warranty documentation (only if a warranty is specified in the contract).

Daily Inspection Report. Some offices require that inspectors file a formal daily inspection report for each day’s work. See your immediate supervisor for more details. A typical pavement marking inspection report may include:

  • date,
  • maintenance section
  • supervisor’s signature
  • inspector’s signature
  • roadways inspected
  • all required documentation
  • pay quantities
  • inspection findings
  • immediate action taken
  • future action needed
  • comments.
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