Chapter 1: Introduction

Anchor: #i999026

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i999031


Pavement markings provide important information to road users. There are several sources of information that TxDOT engineers, designers, and inspectors can use to obtain the information needed to effectively select, specify, and inspect markings. This handbook attempts to tie all of that information together, supplementing it with additional information to help TxDOT staff involved with pavement markings. The handbook was developed as a single source of information for anyone involved with pavement markings in Texas.

Anchor: #i999041

Structure of this Handbook

The handbook is divided into two main chapters: pavement marking material selection (Chapter 2) and pavement marking installation and inspection (Chapter 3). Each chapter is designed to serve as a stand-alone document. The handbook provides TxDOT engineers and inspectors with information that will help them better select pavement marking materials and inspect the installation of markings. This chapter (Chapter 1) describes the different parts of the handbook and how it relates to TxDOT pavement marking activities. The chapter also includes additional information about the scope of the handbook.

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