Anchor: #i1007150

Section 6: Estimate Checklist

The project estimate should be created in DCIS prior to the spec list. The automated spec list program pulls most of its information from the estimate. Refer to the DCIS User Manual for further details on the creation and modification of the estimate and associated information that needs to be input at the same time.

  • CheckboxCheck quantities, descriptions, and units of measurement in the estimate against those shown in the plans.
  • CheckboxVerify that all descriptive codes used are valid and can still be used. (See memorandum to all DE’s from DES dated August 19, 1996, and refer to the payment articles in the specifications or Special Provision) Valid codes can be found at
  • CheckboxMake sure Special Provision numbers are listed with all applicable bid items.
  • CheckboxFor all projects, make sure that all new descriptive codes have been obtained through the CST_RDWY_SPECS prior to final PS&E submission.
  • CheckboxCheck estimated unit prices.
  • CheckboxMake sure that all items measured by lump sum have a quantity of 1.0. On projects with multiple CSJs, the combined lump sum quantity must total 1.0. No quantities should be 0.0.
  • CheckboxMake sure that the same Item/Descriptive Codes have the same unit price throughout the estimate (all CSJs, categories of work, etc.). Discrepancies can be quickly determined by printing a combined estimate. The combined estimate will print an error message for different bid prices.
  • CheckboxCheck the mileage on the DCIS P1 screen(s), category of work cards (P4 screen) and Title Sheet to make sure they all match.
  • CheckboxThe type of work on the DCIS C1 screen (CCSJ) should match the type of work description on the Title Sheet.
  • CheckboxMake sure the limits on DCIS P1 screen(s) and on the Title Sheet match.
  • CheckboxMake sure the proper force account codes are used. If eligible for Federal-Aid, make sure that PART is used.
  • CheckboxMake sure all items of work not eligible for Federal-Aid are broken out into a separate NON-PARTICIPATING category of work.
  • CheckboxInclude all required comment cards.
  • CheckboxMake sure all items of work to be paid for by other entities are broken out into a separate category of work.
  • CheckboxFor projects that include lump sum contributions from other entities, add comment card(s) (Type 3), after the Type 9 card at the end of the estimate, that explain in detail the funding amount contributed and the contributor. This information will be used by the Finance Division to properly set up the funding for the contract. This notation is not necessary for participation in specific bid items (which should be broken out in the estimate) or for projects with local matching funds.
  • CheckboxCheck base bid and alternate items. Make sure that they are properly entered. Check to verify that the total dollar amounts of the base bid items and the corresponding alternate bid items are the same for the entire contract.
  • CheckboxMake sure all Type 9 cards have been included at end of all CSJs.
  • CheckboxCheck measurement and payment articles of specifications and provisions to verify that all necessary bid items have been included in the estimate.
  • CheckboxIf State force account work is proposed on Federal-Aid project, the district prepares a Public Interest Justification and will forward to the responsible Austin division. The responsible Austin division will approve on Federal-Aid State oversight projects. The FHWA will approve on Federal-Aid Federal oversight projects.
  • CheckboxFor projects involving structural steel, prestressed products and/or epoxy-coated reinforcing steel, the Bridge Division Planning/Programming Section will prepare and submit material bills to fabricators.
  • CheckboxIf bridges or bridge class culverts are involved, make sure that all bridge-related items have been broken out into separate categories of work. National Bridge Inventory and Permanent Structure Numbers must be listed on the bridge cost information card (12 card).
  • CheckboxAfter the estimate(s) is finalized, place the 9 card and the correct proposal guaranty amount will be automatically calculated and placed on the DCIS P5 screen based on Minute Order No. 108851 (March 28, 2002). If the estimate has been updated then remove and replace the 9 card. The guaranty amount will be recalculated. Highway improvement contracts estimated at $25,000 or less will not require a proposal guaranty. The amount of the proposal guaranty for those contracts estimated to involve more than $25,000 will be 2 percent of the department’s engineer’s estimate as of the proposal release date, rounded to the nearest $1,000 and not to exceed $100,000. The proposal guaranty should be verified on the p5 screen and a proposal generated prior to final PS&E submission.
Anchor: #i1011985Table 4-8: Proposal Guaranty

Total Estimate (-E&C Force Accounts)


$25,000 or less


$25,001 up to $4,999,000

2% rounded up or down to the nearest $1,000*

$5,000,000 or above


*If 2% of your “Total Bid Items” is $3,503.00, then your proposal guaranty will be $4,000.00

*If 2% of your “Total Bid Items” is $3,493.00, then your proposal guaranty will be $3,000.00

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