Section 5: General Plan Set Checklist

Anchor: #i1026165


  • CheckboxCheck the plan set for completeness. Make sure that all sheets (including standards) have been included in the plan set prior to submission.
  • CheckboxMake sure that the title block (district, county, highway, CSJ, and sheet number) on all plan sheets has been completed correctly.
  • Checkbox

    EXAMPLE: Check the index of sheets. All sheet numbers must be listed, including all supplemental sheets (Example: 13, 13A-F as opposed to 13-13F). Each individual plan sheet must be accounted for in the index of sheets. List all omitted sheets in the index of sheets. Titles shown on the index of sheets must match the title exactly on the plan sheet.

  • CheckboxCheck plan set for proper engineer’s signature, seal, and date. See Chapter 2, Section 2, Sealing and Dating Construction Documents for additional details.
  • CheckboxCheck design speed and ADT shown on the Title Sheet against that shown on the approved Form 1002, Page 3. (See Page 3 of Form 1002 in Chapter 5, Section 2, for more information.)
  • CheckboxCheck the governing specification note on the Title Sheet to make sure spec book year adoption date and the proper provisions (federal or state) have been referenced.
  • CheckboxCheck the limits, stationing, and equations on the Title Sheet for accuracy. Make sure that the stationing, equations, and exceptions shown equate to the project length shown and match the project length(s) included on DCIS. See the DCIS User Manual; Chapter 2, Section1; and Chapter 4, Section 1.
  • CheckboxMake sure that all necessary signatures (including other entities) have been included on the Title Sheet prior to submission.
  • CheckboxMake sure that the responsible engineer’s statement, seal, and signature have been included next to the index of sheets.
  • CheckboxMake sure there is an applicable typical section for all stations and roadways.
    Anchor: #BXTKWEBX
  • The following sheets should be provided for all 4R projects. In addition, these sheets should be provided for 3R projects that involve substantial changes to the vertical grade and/or horizontal alignment of an existing facility and/or right of way acquisition.

  • Anchor: #TCVGQNVL
  • Survey Control Index Sheet (signed, sealed and dated by a PE)
  • Anchor: #FUENHYKM
  • Horizontal and Vertical Control Sheet (signed, sealed and dated by a PE)
  • CheckboxCheck the plans to make sure that the locations of existing utilities are shown. Also make sure that the locations of unacquired ROW parcels (pending acquisition prior to submission) have been shown.
  • CheckboxCheck proposed design features such as horizontal and vertical alignments, superelevation, etc., for compliance with design standards and design speed requirements.
  • CheckboxCheck the bridge layouts, typical sections, and P&P sheets for conformance with any previously approved preliminary design submissions.
  • CheckboxConfirm that environmental commitments made in the environmental assessment were addressed in the PS&E.
  • CheckboxCheck the proposed roadside design. Make sure all safety enhancements (safety end treatments, metal beam guard fence, single guardrail terminals, etc.) have been addressed. Check layouts, typical sections, etc., for proper clear zone requirements (see Roadway Design Manual, Chapter 4, Section 3).
  • CheckboxCheck the TCP for conformance with the TMUTCD.
  • CheckboxCheck the index of sheets to verify all necessary current standards have been listed and that these sheets have been inserted into the plan set. All standards must be inserted into the plan set prior to submission.
  • CheckboxCheck all modified (MOD) standards to verify that they have been properly sealed by the responsible engineer with the modifications noted.
  • CheckboxCheck sidewalks, ramps, and other pedestrian features for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) requirements. (See Roadway Design Manual, Chapter 2, Section 6).
  • CheckboxCheck the TCP or other plan sheets to verify that the proper treatment for temporary pavement drop-offs has been provided. (See Roadway Design Manual, Appendix B, Guidelines for Pavement Drop-offs). Make sure that all ends of temporary or permanent traffic barriers have been properly end treated.
  • CheckboxCheck signing summary and layout sheets to make sure that all signs included on the summary sheets are shown on the layout sheets.
  • CheckboxCheck delineation layouts for proper delineator and object marker usage and spacing.
  • CheckboxCheck pavement marking layouts for conformance with the TMUTCD.
  • CheckboxCheck electrical and illumination sheets for service connections.
  • CheckboxCheck traffic signal layouts for accuracy. Check foundation specifications.
  • CheckboxIf bridges or bridge class culverts are involved, make sure that these lengths have been broken out on the Title Sheet and that the mileages add up to match the total project length shown.
  • CheckboxVerify permanent structure numbers for bridges and bridge class culverts are shown for TxDOT let projects. The permanent structure number and National Bridge Inventory (NBI) number need to be shown on the bridge/culvert layout sheets and in the estimate with 12 cards completed on P3B screen.
  • CheckboxReview all plan sheets for legibility and reproducibility (type, size, contrast, clarity, etc.).
  • CheckboxFor final PS&E submissions, the E&Q and General Notes sheets must be plotted and inserted into the plan set. The information on the E&Q sheet must match the data on DCIS.
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