Section 3: PS&E Submissions Schedules

Anchor: #i1003138


Prior to beginning detailed design on any project, the designer should determine the funding source (state or federal) for the project and any pertinent time constraints. This section covers the following PS&E submission schedule topics:

Anchor: #i1003159

General Deadlines and Project Categories

Approximately six months prior to the beginning of the coming fiscal year, the Finance Division publishes a Fiscal Year Letting Schedule for the approaching fiscal year. This schedule contains projects authorized by the Commission which have been identified as ready for letting or obligation of funds for that fiscal year by each District.

Anchor: #i1003199

Detailed Deadlines

In addition to the Fiscal Year Letting Schedule, a PS&E Review and Processing Schedule is published that delineates various processing deadlines for meeting a desired letting.

This schedule provides detailed dates from the time a project is identified as a candidate project to the scheduled letting dates for that particular month.

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