Chapter 3: Specifications


Section 1: Types of Specifications and Provisions

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This section discusses:

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Standard Specifications

The Standard Specifications are those specifications listed in the department’s specifications book entitled Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges adopted November 1, 2014. The General Requirements and Covenants (Items 1–9) are required for all contracts. Specifications for construction bid items or reference items usually address six areas: description, materials, equipment, construction methods, method of measurement, and method of payment. The Standard Specifications must be used unless alternative Special Specifications or Special Provisions have been approved for use through the Roadway Specification Section (CST_RDWY_SPECS). Modifications to Standard Items 1 through 9 require the approval of the administration.

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Special Specifications

Special Specifications are methods and/or items of work that are not covered by Standard Specifications. They may introduce a new description, materials, miscellaneous classification, construction methods, equipment, measurement, and/or payment articles. Special Specifications may be completely new specifications or the modification of previously approved specifications. Three types of Special Specifications exist:

After descriptions of these types, a paragraph appears giving information about a Special Specifications index and references.

Statewide Special Specifications. These Special Specifications have been approved for statewide use by the Specifications Committee.

Districtwide Special Specifications. These Special Specifications have been approved for a specific district(s). If a district desires to use another district’s specification, it must be submitted for approval to the Roadway Specification Section (CST_RDWY_SPECS). For detailed information on the submission process, refer to Section 2, New Special Specification and Special Provision Submission Requirements.

One-time use Special Specifications. These Special Specifications are those approved for one-time use on individual projects. These may be used on projects other than the originally approved project, using the submission process described in Section 2, New Special Specification and Special Provision Submission Requirements.

Special Specifications index and references. For an index of these Special Specifications, and the Special Specifications themselves, the designer is directed to the libraries maintained by the Construction Division on the internet at:

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Special Provisions

Special Provisions modify Standard Specifications or Special Specifications. Additionally, there are Special Provisions (Triple Zero Special Provisions) which describe, in narrative form, conditions included in a contract which do not relate directly to a work item specification. For more information regarding Special Provisions refer to Section 3, Specification List.

There are three types of Special Provisions:

Statewide Special Provisions. These Special Provisions have been approved by the Specifications Committee for statewide use.

Districtwide Special Provisions. These Special Provisions have been approved for a specific district(s). If a district desires to use another district’s provision, it must be submitted for approval to the Roadway Specification Section (CST_RDWY_SPECS). For detailed information on the submission process, refer to Section 2, New Special Specification and Special Provision Submission Requirements.

One-time use Special Provisions. These Special Provisions are those approved for one-time use on individual projects. These may be used on projects other than the originally approved project, using the submission process described in Section 2, New Special Specification and Special Provision Submission Requirements.

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