Section 3: State Letter of Authority

Anchor: #i1003117


This section discusses

Anchor: #i1003156

Function of LOA

The state LOA is a form that is issued on all projects let by local public agencies (LPA). Letting Management Section of the Finance Division provides an LOA and signed FPAA to the District on all federally funded projects let by a LPA. The LPA must have an LOA with the approved environmental clearance and a FPAA signed by FHWA prior to advertising projects with federal funding.

Anchor: #i1003168

Letting Management Office LOA Duties

Approximately one week after the letting schedule has been approved for any given letting, the Finance Division – Letting Management Section prints all necessary state letters of authority. The forms include all identifying information such as district, county, highway, CSJ, project number, functional classification, work program, limits, and type of work from the corresponding information from the various DCIS screens. The Letting Management section prints out a form for all CSJs that are to be locally let by an LPA or for projects to be constructed by LPAs. Letting Management will indicated on the form if a FPAA is required and the responsible section. The forms are then sent to the Environmental Affairs Division.

Anchor: #i1003188

LOA Form Field Completion Procedure

The form is then sent to the District for further handling.

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