Anchor: #i1023233

Section 7: Bridge Collapse Response

Anchor: #i1023257


This Section is intended to document policy related to notification and response following an unanticipated full or partial collapse of an in-service bridge.

Anchor: #i1023304


As discussed in Section 5 of this manual, depending on the incident details, TxDOT’s response may vary. However, in all instances of a full or partial bridge collapse, the District Engineer will designate an Incident Lead to ensure a coordinated response to reopen the facility. The Incident Lead will:

    Anchor: #NCCYCASY
  • Work with area office, District Director of Operations, and District Director of Maintenance to address immediate concerns.
      Anchor: #XWLGDHFS
    • Identify immediate safety hazards resulting from the collapse and initiate efforts to mitigate further damage. Evaluation is to be performed by senior District bridge staff or Bridge Division staff.
    • Anchor: #AGRRWLOA
    • Identify immediate and long-term traffic control requirements.
  • Anchor: #MKNYUUKI
  • Assign staff to ensure that proper notifications occur.
      Anchor: #LKVRKAPT
    • Contact Chief Engineer, Director of District Operations, and Bridge Division Director by phone.
    • Anchor: #UYTABTIC
    • Notifications include TxDOT Form 2111 as required by Maintenance Division.
    • Anchor: #VQDSBJSO
    • Submit notification of lane or bridge closures to Administration and FHWA in accordance with the TxDOT Bridge Inspection Manual.
    • Anchor: #TCAMKBKH
    • Notify public of closure and provide status updates as appropriate through the District Public Information Office.
  • Anchor: #UPBCSIOJ
  • Assemble design team.
      Anchor: #HLPMCYAC
    • Identify design leads for traffic handling, necessary road improvements, and structural repair or replacement.
    • Anchor: #EDXUCMXV
    • Once the design team is assembled, coordination meetings should be established.
  • Anchor: #MLUAOKCQ
  • Coordinate with the Maintenance Division on planning and letting of available contract mechanisms or emergency contract and contractor outreach.
      Anchor: #FBLVLWDU
    • As appropriate, provide preliminary details to facilitate contractor feedback and input.
    • Anchor: #PYNNPBME
    • Cost estimates prepared for Emergency Maintenance Contract (EMC) requests should include allowance for unknowns and account for all associated project costs including necessary traffic control and rapid mobilization of a contractor.

As requested by the Incident Lead or as directed by the Bridge Division Director, district bridge staff or Bridge Division staff will respond to investigate the extent and cause of damage, and to evaluate the portions of the structure that could be salvaged. When the state aircraft can expedite TxDOT’s response to an emergency, requests must be made through TxDOT's Aviation - Flight Services.

During the design of the bridge repair, outreach to the contracting industry, material suppliers, and fabricators could help to ensure a coordinated response to expedite re-opening a facility. As appropriate, the Structural Materials Section of Materials and Test Division and the Construction and Maintenance Branch of Bridge Division can serve as resources to facilitate discussions regarding material availability or expedited fabrication options. When time is of the essence, standard, prefabricated options can frequently offer more rapid mobilization and construction compared to more complicated accelerate bridge construction techniques due to lead times and contractor familiarity with construction methods.

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