Section 7: Guardrail, Barriers and Attenuators

Anchor: #i1004197


When a rail or barrier has been damaged to the extent that it will not function properly, it should be replaced or repaired as soon as practical. Minor repairs should be made when scheduling will allow.

Anchor: #i1004208


When a guardrail installation is damaged, a review should be made to determine whether it is feasible to upgrade the installation to current design standards. "Guardrail Damage Ahead" signs should be installed only when substantial damage occurs to guardrail barriers or attenuators which causes them to not function properly. Repairs should be made as soon as practical. The following items should generally be considered in this analysis:

    Anchor: #MIGQYXBC
  • Is the section of guardrail still required under current design standards?
  • Anchor: #JCWGKYAW
  • Can the guardrail installation be avoided with the elimination of the hazard or the flattening of the slope?
  • Anchor: #JEPINNGI
  • If it is determined that the guardrail is still necessary and more than approximately 25 percent or more of the installation requires replacement, the installation should be upgraded to current design standards.
Anchor: #i1004233


Damages which result in inadequate protection or which cause the attenuator not to function properly should be repaired as soon as possible. Minor damage should be repaired as soon as practical.

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