Section 6: Homeland Security

Anchor: #i1010177


The Texas Department of Transportation is responsible for many potential targets of both man-made and natural disasters. TxDOT has some of the most critical infrastructure of any state agency, spanning all 254 counties in the state. Employees at TxDOT must be prepared and remain vigilant for any contingency. Threats to TxDOT infrastructure range from ice storms, hazmat spills and terrorist attacks on bridges and ferries. TxDOT personnel should always be on the lookout for suspicious activities and should never confront or attempt to intervene when suspicious activity is suspected.

Anchor: #i1010222


When suspicious activity is seen by or reported to a TxDOT employee, the employee should report that activity to their supervisor. The supervisor should then make the decision on whether to report the activity to the proper authorities. If, in the supervisor's opinion, the suspicious activity is related to homeland security or terrorism, the supervisor should notify the Texas Department of Public Safety's counter-terrorism unit at (866) 786-5972. That number will be answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

If the suspicious activity occurs at an Austin headquarters facility, TxDOT security should be notified at (512) 465-7931. If that line is busy, call their other line at (512) 465-7357. Both of these lines are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

As always, if there is an imminent threat to life or property, the employee should call 911 and then notify their supervisor as soon as possible.

This policy should not preclude any other actions dictated by a specific security policy already in place, but should be considered as an additional step to take when suspicious activities are seen.

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