Section 4: Pavement Markings and Delineators

Anchor: #i1002731


Pavement markings and delineators guide the driver during day and night conditions. Pavement markings include striping, pavement graphics, raised reflective pavement markers and rumble strips. Delineators are used to enhance the visibility of a feature of the highway system. Although not considered an emergency when damaged or worn, pavement markings and delineators should be maintained as soon as practical.

Anchor: #i1001393


Striping should be installed and maintained in accordance with standards established by the Traffic Operations Division. As a minimum, centerline striping should be installed on all paved roads on the state highway system.

Anchor: #i1001403

Temporary Markings

When not practical to stripe pavement repairs or areas where striping has been destroyed by maintenance operations, on the same day as the operation, temporary markings should be used as a short-term measure. Usually permanent markings should be placed as soon as practical. Temporary markings may be reflective tabs, tape or paint.

Anchor: #i1001413

Pavement Graphics

Pavement graphics include stop bars, school zone crossings, arrows, railroad crossing symbols and other lettering or symbols painted or installed on the pavement. They should be installed and maintained as soon as practical in accordance with standards established by the Traffic Operations Division.

Anchor: #i1001423

Raised Reflective Pavement Markers

Raised reflective pavement markers should be maintained as soon as practical on all roadways in accordance with standards established by the Traffic Operations Division.

Anchor: #i1001433

Shoulder Texturing Treatments

Shoulder texturing treatments are used to warn vehicles that have strayed off the travel lanes and onto shoulders and gores. The most effective and least expensive treatments are depressions rolled or milled into the pavement surface perpendicular to the roadway. Please refer to the Sign Guidelines and Applications Manual for recommended placement guidelines.

Anchor: #i1001446

Delineators and Object Markers

Delineators and object markers are used to enhance visibility of a feature of the highway system. They should be installed in accordance with standards maintained by the Traffic Operations Division. The following minimum standards should be used for installation and maintenance at the following locations:

Anchor: #i1000704Minimum Standards



Single *

  • curves on freeways, outside curves of interchange ramps
  • guard rail, bridge rail, barriers **
  • narrow bridge approaches

Double *

  • acceleration and deceleration lanes
  • crossover for official or emergency use-

Anchor: #i1012960

Object Markers


Type 1

(18”x18”) (red)

  • end of roadway

Type 2

(vertical panels)

  • objects adjacent to the roadway—headwalls, etc.
  • mailboxes

Type 3

(black and yellow striped) **

  • objects projecting into roadway or shoulder—narrow bridges, attenuators, extruder terminals, etc.

*Note: The color should correspond to the color of the edgeline.

**Note: Continue delineation from the approach rail across bridges to make a uniform appearance. Delineators should face both directions on two-way roadways. Type 3 object markers are not needed unless the bridge is narrower than the approach guard rail. For additional information refer to the Sign Crew Field Book.

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