Chapter 1: Pavement


Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i1000717

Introduction to Maintenance Operations

The Maintenance Operations Manual contains the following chapters:

    Anchor: #RBSXYCCA
  • Chapter 1, Pavement: Provides guidelines for routine and preventive pavement maintenance for both rigid and flexible pavement. Maintenance of shoulders and driveways are also discussed. A section on preventive maintenance is included.
  • Anchor: #TQVWXPWI
  • Chapter 2, Roadside: Contains basic information about litter; vegetation management; erosion control; roadside drainage; culverts and storm drains; rest areas and picnic areas; and guardrails, median barriers, and attenuators.
  • Anchor: #FMPEAFCF
  • Chapter 3, Bridges: Includes definitions and policies, as well as information about inspection, deck-protection and vertical clearance. Sections are also included on drawbridges and ferries.
  • Anchor: #SUOPMBTH
  • Chapter 4, Traffic Operations: Contains limited information about signs, signals, illumination, pavement markings and delineators. Primary directions for traffic control are contained in other manuals, which are referenced.
  • Anchor: #YGYJLFIF
  • Chapter 5, Emergency Operations: Discusses snow and ice operations, oil and hazardous material spills, courtesy patrols and accidents and incidents, and homeland security.
  • Anchor: #WRDHCQKB
  • Chapter 6, Work For or By Others: Describes circumstances where the department performs work on other agencies' facilities or where others are allowed to voluntarily work on TxDOT's right of way. An example of the department working for others is work performed on park roads and other Texas Parks and Wildlife Department facilities. An example of others working on the TxDOT right of way is the Adopt-a-Highway Program, where volunteers pick up trash over a designated section of highway.
Anchor: #i1000759

Introduction to this Chapter

This chapter discusses routine maintenance for different types of pavement distress and gives priorities for work on each distress type. A discussion of the maintenance requirements for three shoulder types is given. The responsibility for maintenance of driveways is defined. Preventive maintenance options for both rigid and flexible pavements are discussed.

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