Section 6: Bridges Over Navigable Waterways

Anchor: #i1001550

Additional Inspection and Maintenance Requirements

In addition to the inspection and maintenance procedures common with other bridges, bridges located over navigable waterways require special attention. Fixed span bridges and moveable span bridges have lighting required by the U.S. Coast Guard that may involve frequent maintenance. Fender systems that protect bridge supports also require routine inspection and maintenance. Additionally, moveable span bridges require special attention to the mechanism and power unit that provides movement.

Fender systems and lighting systems should be inspected as part of the routine bridge inspection. Additional inspections should also be performed following any significant event such as flooding or impact damage. Repairs to lighting systems, including replacing burned out bulbs, should be performed as soon as possible.

Moveable span bridges should be maintained in a serviceable condition and operated at intervals frequent enough to make certain the machinery is in proper operating condition.

Anchor: #i1001584


Fixed span bridges should be lighted in accordance with the requirements of Title 33, Part 118.65, “Lights on Fixed Bridges,” of the Code of Federal Regulations (33 CFR 118.65).

Swing span bridges should be lighted in accordance with the requirements of Title 33, Part 118.70, “Lights on Swing Bridges,” of the Code of Federal Regulations (33 CFR 118.70).

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