Section 3: Signals and Illumination

Anchor: #i1002527


Traffic signals should be maintained in their originally built condition. Traffic signal malfunctions should be repaired as soon as possible. Only trained maintenance personnel should be allowed to perform traffic signal maintenance.

All department personnel should immediately report any malfunctioning traffic signal. Notify law enforcement if traffic control is needed until the signal is repaired.

All maintenance work performed at signal locations should comply with the requirements of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices ( TMUTCD) and the Traffic Engineering Standard Sheets.

Records should be kept on all traffic signal maintenance or repair. These records should include the time and date of the maintenance at each traffic signal location.

Anchor: #i1001337


Illumination features should be maintained according to the following guidelines:

    Anchor: #RHSSFMBE
  • All illumination should be clearly visible at all times. (Vegetation or other features should not create obstructions.)
  • Anchor: #BYDQFFAF
  • Each district should have a plan to inspect, report and maintain illumination features to ensure they function as designed.
  • Anchor: #WHKSIIAN
  • Routine illumination repair or maintenance should be performed as soon as practical.
  • Anchor: #LSMPUKIF
  • All damage that poses a safety hazard should be performed as soon as possible.
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