Section 8: Stockpiles on Right of Way

Anchor: #i1004247

Location of Stockpiles

No stockpile should be placed on controlled access right of way if it is to remain in place for more than six months (except when not visible to the traveling public.) Things to consider before locating stockpiles on highways other than controlled access are:

In general, stockpiles should be located as far away as possible from the travelway (not within clear zone), and kept in neat condition. Where stockpiles must be located in the proximity of the travelway, appropriate barricades and warning signs should be placed to adequately warn motorists. Locations of stockpiles at intersections normally should be avoided, as appearance and sight distance are most critical at these points.

Anchor: #i1004283

Lease Stockpile Site

To lease right of way for stockpiles, please refer to the Maintenance Management Manual, Chapter 5: Agreements, Permits and Reports, Section 9, "Agreement for Storage Site Lease."

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